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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Pic of The Day : The Aqua Dome in Germany
AquaDom is a fish tank or aquarium circular cylinder. This fish tank is
highest in the world , This tank is in Berlin , Germany.It has a height of 25
meters building with an acrylic crystal. A glass elevator inside.Their location
is in the lobby of the Hotel Radisson SAS Hotel in The Dom Aquaree complex
comprising hotels, offices, restaurants and Aquarium Sea Life Center
construction , because of it is a very large tank and uses technology
advanced. many It must be well-planned construction. The AquaDom is 11
meters in diameter, but hollow in the middle. A glass elevator up to the top
to be. To the outer acrylic. Assembly of the acrylic panels together 4 large
sheets. Within a single section. But even within the hollow. It has a capacity
of 6.1 million gallons of water and the need for concrete foundations to 9
meters high, for contain weight of water in this aquarium.
Fish Data : Giant Danio
Distribution :
Described from
The Giant Danio is athletic fish with a great
disposition. This fish brings constant swimming action to a community tank and
should be kept in schools of at least 3 to 5 fish. It may be a bit too active
for small, peaceful tanks and is more appropriate in a community of larger
This fish is a true "giant" among danios. They can grow to a maximum length of four inches and
is an excellent schooling fish in larger community aquariums. The Giant Danio is also a very attractive fish with captivating blue
coloration. Its gold spots and lines intensify the blue-green background of this
Tank Size :
These fish are very active fish and should be kept in an aquarium of at least 30 gallons. You should make sure to always have a hood on your aquarium because the giant danio is known to jump. The Giant Danio is not difficult to keep in a well-maintained set-up though we recommend aquascaping the tank to resemble a flowing stream/river with a substrate of variably-sized, water-worn rocks, sand, fine gravel and perhaps some small boulders. This can be further furnished with driftwood roots or branches.
Since it naturally occurs in pristine
habitats it's intolerant to accumulation of organic pollutants and requires
more-or-less spotless water in order to thrive. Though torrent-like conditions
are unnecessary it also does best if there is a high proportion of dissolved
oxygen and decent water movement in the tank so a good-sized external
filter/powerhead or two should be added, and ideally a rivertank manifold
installed to provide unidirectional flow. Weekly water changes of 30-50% tank
volume should be considered routine, and the tank must have a very
tightly-fitting cover as all Devario spp. are accomplished jumpers
Tank Region: Middle to top.
Preferred Water
pH Level: 6.0 – 8.0
Water Hardness: 5-19 dGH
Temperature: 72-81 F, 22-27 C
Water Hardness: 5-19 dGH
Temperature: 72-81 F, 22-27 C
Feeding :
These fish are omnivorous, They can
accepting almost any foods. Although undemanding in diet, they particularly
enjoy small live or frozen inverts, and fresh vegetable matter.
Tank Mate :
The Giant Danios are peaceful fish that
can be mixed with most other fish of similar size exp. Other Danios, Corydoras
Catfish, tetras, and barbs. Really any peaceful fish , it prefers to be in
groups of six or more.
Because they are very fast, they tend to
be among the first to feed at meal times, so you need to ensure that slower
eaters in your tank have some food to eat.
Sexually mature females should be rounder-bellied, less colourful and a little larger than males.
The Giant Danio is an egg layer. They are
stimulated to spawn by sunlight and will produce about 300 eggs. The hatching
will occur within 36 hours. When you need to breeding Them , The adult Giant Danio group can still be conditioned
together but a smaller tank with a base measuring around 45cm x 30cm tank
should also be set up and filled with mature water. This should be very dimly
lit and the base covered with some kind of mesh of a large enough grade so that
the eggs can fall through but small enough so that the adults cannot reach
them. The widely available plastic 'grass'-type matting can also be used and
works well as does a layer of marbles. Alternatively filling much of the tank
with a fine-leaved plant such as Taxiphyllum spp. or wool mops can also
return decent results. The water itself should be of slightly acidic to neutral
pH with a temperature towards the upper end of the range suggested above. An
air-powered sponge filter or air stone(s) should also be included to provide
oxygenation and water movement.
When the adults have a well-conditioned and the females appear gravid one or two pairs should then be introduced. If ready spawning usually taking place within 24 hours, signified by the female appearing noticeably slimmer. After 48 hours the adults should be removed whether spawning has occurred or not. Incubation is temperature-dependant to an extent but typically lasts 24-36 hours with the young free-swimming a few days later. Initial food should be Paramecium or similar, introducing Artemia nauplii, microworm, powdered dry foods, etc. once the fry are large enough to accept them.
When the adults have a well-conditioned and the females appear gravid one or two pairs should then be introduced. If ready spawning usually taking place within 24 hours, signified by the female appearing noticeably slimmer. After 48 hours the adults should be removed whether spawning has occurred or not. Incubation is temperature-dependant to an extent but typically lasts 24-36 hours with the young free-swimming a few days later. Initial food should be Paramecium or similar, introducing Artemia nauplii, microworm, powdered dry foods, etc. once the fry are large enough to accept them.
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If you need to support this webblog , you can buy some fish article in
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วันพุธที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Pics of The Day : Gharial Crocodiles
This is a Gharial crocodiles found in India. They have full-length body about 6.5. meter.
These crocodiles is in a family gavial (Gavialidae), which is a group of crocodiles.
Who have a sharp, slender jaws. Often the leader. They are hunting fish in the water that the stay
, They are mate and lay their eggs by digging some hole near the river. Currently, it is nearly extinct.
Fish Data : Cherry Barb
Scientific Name : Puntius titteya
Common Names : Crimson Carplet
Cherry Barb Care Level
: Easy
Size : Up to 2 inches (5 cm)
pH : 6 - 8
Temperature : 72°F - 82°F (22°C - 28°C)
Water Hardness : 5° to 25° dH,
Cherry Barb Lifespan
: 5 - 7 years
Origin / Habitat : Sri
General Info :
Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya) is a tropical community species endemic to the
lakes and river basins of Sri
Lanka . Their name comes from the red coloration
of the male, that obtains a vibrant cherry red color that they use to attract
females of the species ,These fish are
elongated fish. , The upper part of their bodies leans toward a greenish shade
with a slight sheen. A racing stripe that varies from a brownish to a bluish
black runs from the tip of their snouts down the entire length of their bodies.
Above the stripe is an iridescent band that is typically gold at the front part
of their bodies and fades toward blue or green towards the tail. The males are
redder than the females. But they do not develop the bright, cherry red
coloration they are named for until they are about to mate. The cherry color is
not found among the females of the species. Females are lighter in color and
have yellow fins. The female’s body tends to be a lot plumper than the males
Cherry barb can housed with fish that are
not large enough to view them as a tasty snack. They are shoaling fish that take
readily to heavily planted aquariums. Since they travel in schools in their
natural habitat, it is advisable to add multiple barbs to your fish tank rather
than a single fish. While cherry barbs do enjoy the company of their own
species, they do not congregate as tightly as most barbs or tetras. It is, in
fact, not uncommon to see a single barb venture away from the
Size : Maximum size of this
fish is about 2 inch
Care Level:
This fish is easy for careing
, They will tolerate a wide range of water parameters including pH, temperature
and hardness. Can tolerate higher nitrate levels than other fish and is hardy
enough to withstand the cycling process. Will readily eat prepared foods and has
no special care requirements.
Endemic to the island of Sri Lanka .,Inhabits shaded slow-flowing
forest streams with thick marginal vegetation , fallen branches and leaves
litter the substrate of silt.
Aquarium Setup
Minimum aquarium size for Cherry barb is
about 75 litres (20 gallons). They should always be kept in groups of at least
five individuals, preferably more, since this is a schooling species. A Cherry
barb that is kept alone can become very stressed in the aquarium.
Your tank setup would
contain a sandy or fine substrate with a mix of densely planted areas, branch
type driftwood, tree root and open swimming areas. Cherry Barbs should be house
with other peaceful community fish and/or semi-aggressive community fish not
large enough to eat them. If kept with semi-aggressive species like Angelfish
and Gourami, it is important to provide plenty of dense foliage and tree root to provide the Cherry Barb with plenty
of protected areas.
Good filtration and a quite a strong current are recommended. Cherry
barbs live in slow flowing waters in the wild.
water parameters :
These fish need Soft to
moderately hard (hardness to 20 dGH) , acidic to basic (pH 6 to 8) water,
temperature 23-27C/74-81F.
Cherry Barbs are omnivores, and can be fed
the standard fish foods, worms (glass, blood and tubifex worm),small brine
shrimp, plankton, flake and freeze dried foods. They should also be fed various
green vegetables, such as spinach, zucchini, peas and lettuce.etc. They should be fed 2 to
3 times per day an amount of food that will consume within a few minutes.
Sexing Cherry barbs are not
difficult since the male feature a vivid, cherry-red colouration. (It is
naturally from this colouration that the common name Cherry barb has been
derived.) Female Cherry barbs are not as vividly coloured and will usually
display a rather dull orange shade. Both males and females display a dark
horizontal stripe along their body, but the stripe will be much more noticeable
on the female fish since she is paler. You can also notice a difference in body
shape between the two sexes. Males are generally more slender while the females
tend to have fuller bodies. The male Cherry barb is also larger than the
These fish can breed in captivity. Breeder
should Feeding barbs with a live meaty foods such as brine shrimp will increase
the likelihood of breeding. The male, as mentioned earlier, will develop a
bright cherry color when ready to breed.
Once the male displays his spawning colors, the barbs should be placed in a breeding tank. Barbs scatter their eggs. Like most egg scattering fish, cherry barbs will eat their un-hatched eggs. A good trick to prevent this from happening is to place marbles in the bottom of the breeding tank. The eggs will slip down in between the marbles and prevent the parents from being able to get at them. After they spawn, the adult barbs should be removed from the breeding tank.
The fry of cherry barbs will hatch in about 24 hours. The fry can be feed liquid fish fry food developed for egg laying fish. In a couple of days switch their diet to newly hatched brine shrimp or small amounts of powdered eggs. When they reach a week or two in age , breeder can feed them finely crushed tropical fish flakes.
Once the male displays his spawning colors, the barbs should be placed in a breeding tank. Barbs scatter their eggs. Like most egg scattering fish, cherry barbs will eat their un-hatched eggs. A good trick to prevent this from happening is to place marbles in the bottom of the breeding tank. The eggs will slip down in between the marbles and prevent the parents from being able to get at them. After they spawn, the adult barbs should be removed from the breeding tank.
The fry of cherry barbs will hatch in about 24 hours. The fry can be feed liquid fish fry food developed for egg laying fish. In a couple of days switch their diet to newly hatched brine shrimp or small amounts of powdered eggs. When they reach a week or two in age , breeder can feed them finely crushed tropical fish flakes.
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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Fish Data : Texas cichlid
The Texas cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus, formerly
Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum) is
a freshwater fish that belongs to the cichlid family. Also known as Rio Grande cichlid, this species is originated from the
lower Rio Grande drainage in Texas and Northeastern
Mexico , particular on the sandy bottom of deep rivers.
This cichild has a
large greyish high-backed body with bright blue scales
and two dark spots, one at the center of the body and another and the end of its
tail. Adult males have a large hump on their heads.
The Texas
cichlid is the only cichlid native to the United States .
Just like its Central American relatives, it can be quite aggressive and should
only be kept by aquarists interested in dealing with belligerent
Maximum Size:
Texas cichlid can easily
attain a foot in length in the large tank. However, since many Texas cichlids are reared
in 55s, many will top out at six to eight inches
Types of Texas Cichlid
: Texas Cichlid will breed
fairly easily with other species Cichlid also. They're not as bad as killifish
and rusties, but they are promiscuous. Cross them
with a Red Devil Cichlid and create your own FLowerhorns Cichlid.
Acceptable Water Conditions:
Hardness: 8-15° dH
Ph: 6.5 to 8.0
Temp: 70-75° F (21-24° C)
The Texas Cichlid is like The Oscars
Cichlid, They needs plenty of room ,
They should be housed in a aquarium of at least 75 gallons
(125 gallons for multiple specimens) with a sand substrate and should be
provided with an adequate amount of rock caves or pieces of driftwood to hide
among and use as territory. If live plants are used, make sure they are either
secured to driftwood, rock, or planted in pots below the substrate as they will
either be shredded or relocated. Light intensity is not an issue, although the
species prefers to have the option for shade it its disposal. These Cichlids are
a hardy species, but are messy eaters and can be sensitive to high levels of
nitrates; they should be provided with strong and efficient biological,
mechanical, and chemical filtration in order to ensure clean water conditions
and keep nitrate levels down.
Tank Mates :
In the small size
, Texas
cichlids will mix well with many small fish , but, oddly enough, not with other
young cichlids. Chocolates and jaguars, for instance, beat the crap out of
little Texas
cichlids -- even in a 55. In addition to hogging the food, the other cichlids
shred their fins, peel their scales, and finish them off. Little Texans fare
best when kept with their own kind. The fast growers and slow growers co-exist
fairly well.
This Cichlid is an omnivore and naturally eats
worms, insects, small invertebrates, and plant matter in the wild. They should
be provided with a variety of meaty foods such as many small live animals,
frozen, or freeze-dried krill, ghost shrimp, crickets, small crayfish,
bloodworms, earthworms, as well as vitamin-enriched, omnivore oriented flake and
pellet food items. Feed one or twice daily.
Sexing and Breeding
The Males
Texas Cichlid grow faster and are larger than females.
Males have longer extensions on their dorsal and anal fins. Males over
three-years old have a pronounced "nuchal bump" on
their foreheads. The Females are smaller and chunkier.
When the
female cichlid grow up to 2-3 inches , They should be
ready to start
spawning. As with most cichlids, the female will start to clean
a suitable spawning site, here she will lay 500-1000 eggs. The male will soon
swim to the spawning site to fertilize the eggs and then he will start guarding
the nest. The eggs will be about 2mm in diameter and the female will spend all
of her time tending them.
he hatching time for the eggs should be 3-5 days; in the meantime the female will be busy preparing a pit in the
substrate ready for her fry. It may be that the eggs or fry may get eaten with
the first few batches but with patience the parents will start raising fry with
no problems. Aggressive behavior to other fish will be at a high during this
stage, the male may even attack the female, leaving other fish in the tank may
help to alleviate this.
When the
eggs have hatched, the fry will stay in their pit for a further 5-8 days before
they become free swimming. Initially they will feed on vegetable matter but
after a further week should accept crushed flake food and newly hatched brine
As with every breeding pair the water quality must be excellent for the fry to survive to the juvenile stage.
As with every breeding pair the water quality must be excellent for the fry to survive to the juvenile stage.
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วันอังคารที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Pics of The Day : Huge Jelly Fish in japan
The east coast sea of Japan was occupied by many of giant
jellyfish.Many people said they had never seen such a large jellyfish
before. Size of these jellyfish is about two meters long and weight
about 200 kg.
Fish Data : Red Tail Barracuda

The Red Tail Barracuda, also known as . the Spotted Cachorro, was described by Bloch in 1794. This species of Freshwater Barracuda is found in many of the rivers of Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana and throughout much of the Amazon and Orinoco River basins. They inhabit clean flowing waters and are often found in schools.
The Red Tail Barracuda is an ominous looking fish with a long, slender, silver body with a bright red tail. The most distinguishing characteristic of this fish is the large sharp teeth that are easily seen. Often referred to as the Dog Characin, Freshwater Barracuda, Spotted Cachorro, or the Amazon Cachorro, this fish is a Characin related to both tetras and the piranha.
The Red Tail Barracuda, also known as the Spotted Cachorro, has become a more common import in the last several years. It is one of a dozen or so species belonging to the genus Acestrorhynchus. It doesn't take much of an imagination to see why species of Acestrorhynchus are called Freshwater Barracudas. The slender body shape and a mouth full of sharp teeth says it all. Despite its size, appearance, and behavior however, this fish is not a true barracuda. It is a Characin just like the more familiar tetras, hatchetfish, and pencilfish.
Other Informations
Family: Acestrorhynchidae
Order: Characiformes (characins)
Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Max. size: 27.2 cm SL (male/unsexed; Ref. 35687)
Environment: benthopelagic; freshwater
Climate: tropical
Distribution: Gazetteer South America: Amazon and Orinoco basins and rivers of Guyana, Surinam and French Guyana.
Maximum length: 27.2 cm (11 in)
Minimum aquarium size: 285 L (75 gal)
Water: Freshwater 22 °C (295 K, 72 °F) - 28 °C (301 K, 82 °F)
General swimming level: Top to midwater.
The word " barracuda " immediately conjures images of a sleek and powerful fish with a mouthful of dagger-like teeth. While most people associate the name with large, open-water marine predators, it is several different species of freshwater fish also carry this as their common name. The majority of these come from the genus Acestrorhynchus.
With around 15 species described, this is an interesting group of fish. Also known as pike characins, all of them come from the rivers of South America. They are all extremely specialized piscivores (fish that eat other fish). Depending on the species, these fish range in mature size from under 4 inches to over 10 inches in length. They all have very similar body structure – elongated, silver bodies that are made for speed and power. These fish stalk their prey and make a lightning-fast strike to catch the fish. Needle-like teeth fill their mouths and allow them to grasp their prey. Most are solid silver with glittering scales and have a yellow, orange, or red tail.
One of the most common species available is Acestrorhynchus falcatus – the Red Tail Barracuda. These fish can easily exceed 6 inches. They have enlarged eyes and a hydrodynamic body, typical of all the fish in the genus. The namesake red tail is punctuated with a black spot on the caudal peduncle. A powerfully built fish, the Red-tail Barracuda is an impressive species.
Care and feeding:
The Red Tail Barracuda are carnivorous piscivores. They only eat live foods, and they prefer fish! Because this is what they like to eat, a good practice is to setup a small tank to keep a steady supply of small, live feeders available. You can also offer them earthworms, river shrimps, and other good sized invertebrates.
This is a species that requires lots of space to thrive. Even though they don't get all that large, a minimum tank size of 50 gallons is necessary to keep them in good condition. They also require good filtration with some current. These are very active fish and will need a great deal of open area for swimming, but they are also a nervous fish that frightens easily. Providing a decor with some tall plants around the perimeter, possibly some floating plants as well, will help make them more secure and comfortable.
Social Behaviors:
In the wild the Red Tail Barracuda is often seen in groups. In captivity this is a nervous fish that frightens easily, companion fish help to remedy this. The ideal situation would be a small school Red Tail Barracudas, or other similar sized occupants. They are not particularly aggressive but will eat any fish that are small enough to fit into their large, toothy mouths. Good tank mates include other similar sized fish, predators or otherwise, Plecostomus, and other bottom dwelling scavenger catfish.
Sexual Differences: Unknown.
pparently courtship and even spawning have been observed in aquaria but no fry raised. Reports suggest that spawning occurs in midwater with the female remaining stationary while the male swims around her in a 'figure-of-eight' pattern. The eggs are scattered in large numbers and parental care is non-existent.
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credit : Fishindex.com
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Fish Data : Guttulatum "Red spot" , Viaja Cichlid

Paraneetroplus guttulatus, formerly known as Vieja guttalata and commonly known as the Amatitlan Cichlid, is a large Central American Cichlid species from the waters of Mexico and Guatemala.You can provide a spacious aquarium of at least sixty gallons. Can Insert some of driftwood roots or some of rocky decor help to replicate the fish's nature habitat, as well as create opportunities for each specimen to stake out their own territory.
This fish can feed with many of varied diet as per all large Cichlids.
Breeding This fish is relatively easy.Male and Female just prepare a spawning area on a flat rock or substrate. Several hundred eggs are laid and cared for by the female while the male guards, and are usually transported to a nest dug in the gravel or sand. At this point the parents will become quite territorial. Fry may be fed newly-hatched brine shrimp or crushed up flake foods.
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วันพุธที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Pic of the day : Trichopsis pumila 's pictures
This is a Trichopsis pumila , they can found in many Canals and rivers in
Thailand. They are peace loving fish. They like to eat small animals that
living in their place.
Picture Credits : Mr. Chanin Thorut
วันอังคารที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Fish Data : Rainbow Cichlid
Quick Stat
name: Herotilapia multispinosa
Common names: Rainbow Cichlid
Family: Cichlidae
Subfamily: Cichlasomatinae
Order: Perciformes
Class: Actinopterygii
Maximum length: 3.6″ (9 cm)
Minimum tank size: 50 gallons
Aggressiveness: semi-aggressive
Hardiness: Easy
Common names: Rainbow Cichlid
Family: Cichlidae
Subfamily: Cichlasomatinae
Order: Perciformes
Class: Actinopterygii
Maximum length: 3.6″ (9 cm)
Minimum tank size: 50 gallons
Aggressiveness: semi-aggressive
Hardiness: Easy
General Info :
The Rainbow Cichlid
is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the cichlid family and originates
from Central America and is native to both the Atlantic slope as well as the
pacific slope which ranges from Costa
Rica to Honduras and Nicaragua .
This fish is capable of altering colors
according to its moods. The background color is a lemon yellow to golden color,
with a horizontal black bar running from just behind the eyes to the base of the
caudal fin. When showing its most brilliant coloration, usually during breeding,
the scales may have alternating rows of blue on the latter half of the body and
the edges of the anal, pectoral, and dorsal fins, and may also have a brilliant
blue tint. The Rainbow Cichlid, Herotilapia multispinosa
genus is monotypic, meaning, it is the only species in
this genus.
Unlike other Central American Cichlids,
they have tricuspid teeth that allows them to feed on
filamentous algae, that makes up a large amount of their diet. It is this
feature that gained them their own genus name of Herotilapia.
All cichlids share a common feature that some saltwater fish such as wrasses
and parrotfish have and that is a well-developed pharyngeal set of teeth that
are in the throat, along with their regular teeth. Cichlids have spiny rays in
the back parts of the anal, dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins to help discourage
predators. The front part of these fins are soft and
perfect for precise positions and effortless movements in the water as opposed
to fast swimming.
Cichlids have one nostril on each side while other fish have 2 sets. To sense "smells" in the water, they suck water in and expel the water right back out after being "sampled" for a short or longer time, depending on how much the cichlid needs to "smell" the water. This feature is shared by saltwater damselfish and cichlids are thought to be closely related.
Size - Weight: The Rainbow Cichlid grows to a length of 2 1/2 -
5" (7 - 13 cm), mature males tend to be a bit longer than the
Acceptable Water Conditions: Hardness: 5 - 20° dH, 5 - 10 ° dH for breeding
Ph: 6.5 - 8.0, 7.0 for breeding
Temp: 72 - 77° F (22 - 25° C), 82° F (28° C) for breeding
Herotilapia multispinosa is found in small lakes, ponds and
drainage areas throughout Central America . It
is often found among stumps and leaf litter.
Herotilapia multispinosa does not require any special care. Water temperatures between 75 and 82F suit it just fine. Regular, partial water changes are appreciated. Since Rainbow Cichlids are not very aggressive, it would not be a good idea to keep it with aggressive,Feeding
In the wild, Herotilapia multispinosa is often found eating small insect larvae. In the aquarium, however, they will take just about any prepared food. Larger specimens appreciate floating food sticks such as Tetra Doromin (Food Sticks).Social Behaviors:
The Rainbow Cichlid is a community cichlid. In a community cichlid tank of larger semi-aggressive cichlids, it can be kept with other same sized South American cichlids.. Species like the Firemouth Cichlid, Blood Parrot, and Convict Cichlid can make good tank mates due to their non-competitive nature, but be sure to keep an eye on them and make sure everyone's doing okay. They can also be kept in a tropical tank with catfish, certain live bearers, tetras, and plecostomus.
This fish readily be kept singly or in pairs. Being relatively peaceful, if the tank is large enough they may even be housed with another pair . Like all cichlids these fish do become territorial during spawning.
Sexual Differences:
This fish is difficult to differentiate between the male and female Rainbow Cichlid. The male tends to be larger and longer with pointed anal and dorsal fins. The female has a short ovipositor.
Breeding for this Cichlid species is not very difficult. Before breeding, the fish will clean a spot to spawn on and then lay approximately 300 pinkish-tan eggs. Incubation is approximately three days after which the pair will move the wrigglers to another area. Once free-swimming, you can feed the fry in the tank with freshly hatched baby brine shrimp or Cyclop-eze. After about a week, transition the fry to finely crushed flake food. I usually siphon out as many free-swimming fry as possible after they are free-swimming and raise them in a rearing tank.
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วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Fish Data : Peacock Cichlid
Diet: Carnivore
Size: More than 24 inches
Set-up: Freshwater: Sand or
gravel, planted edges and background, stones, roots
Tank Conditions: 75-81°F
Minimum Tank Capacity: At least 70 gallons
Light: Medium to low
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Care Level: Difficult
Reproduction: Egg Layer
Tank Conditions: 75-81°F
Minimum Tank Capacity: At least 70 gallons
Light: Medium to low
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Care Level: Difficult
Reproduction: Egg Layer
Lifespan : It is believed that the life span of Peacock bass
is 15+
General Information :
A unique characteristic of the Peacock Bass is the deep indention that separates the hard spines from the soft rays on the dorsal fin. The front of the dorsal, upper caudal, and pectoral fins are gray to black. The anal, pelvic, and the lower caudal fins have a red tint. White spots are present on the second dorsal and the upper lobe of the caudal fin. Large adults have a yellow-orange stripe, which extends from its mouth to its caudal fin. The iris is deep red.
Tank Size & Tank
this fish will
require a tank of at least 10'x3'x4' (l x h x w) for an adult fish. Smaller
aquaria can be used for younger specimens but realistically you should not
acquire this fish if you cannot house it long term.
it is important to account for their large size, feeding
habits and aggressive nature. This fish come from river ways that have a
constant flow of fresh water working from the mountains down to the sea. Peacock
Bass have become accustomed to an environment with high quality water with low
levels of pollutants and high levels of oxygen. The Peacock Bass aquariums need
to replicate this environment through strong mechanical, chemical and biological
filtration along with medium to strong water movement. Peacock Bass are large
fish that eat equally large meals, thus excellent filtration is required to
remove the excess food and waste products produced from such a large species.
The adult size of the Peacock Bass is also an important factor in choosing the
right aquarium to house them, with the size and shape of the aquarium being very
important. With adults sizes of around 2 feet in
length, it is important to provide an aquarium that is long enough and wide
enough from front to back to allow the Peacock Bass to swim and turn around
comfortably. An aquarium of 6 to 8 feet in length and 3 feet from front to back
should be considered as minimum aquarium size for an adult specimen, while
smaller specimens can be raised in smaller aquariums if they are moved to larger
tanks as they grow. The aquarium decor should be designed to provide plenty of
swimming room, while also providing some areas of cover using driftwood,
floating or well rooted plants and rocks with a sandy or gravel
Social Behaviors:
The Peacock Bass Cichlid is territorial and
moderately aggressive fish. Can be kept in species groups or
with other large species such as arowana, stingrays,
large cats and other large cichlids. An extremely large tank is required
to achieve this with any degree of success. They will eat tankmates small enough to be considered food.
Food and
Peacock bass can feed with varied diet
consisting of quality pellets, earth worms, beef heart,
mussels and spinach.
Acceptable Water Conditions: Hardness: 5 - 12° dH
Ph: 6.5 - 7.5
Temp: 75 - 82° F (24 - 28° C)
Sexual Differences: An older mature male will have a nuchal hump on the forehead, but otherwise the sexes are only discernable during spawning.
This Fish has been bred in captivity and is raised in ponds as a food fish. They are what is known as a biparental substrate spawner. Being too large, there are no reports yet on successful tank breeding, but they will spawn in an outdoor pond. They will generally lay about 2000-3000 eggs, with larger spawners laying over 10,000. They lay the eggs on a large flat stone in shallow water and the parents will adamantly guard them in the typical cichlid fashion. They are highly territorial and aggressive when guarding first their eggs, and then the fry for another nine weeks. The fry will hatch in 78 hours at 82° F (28° C). When they are ready to move on, they enter into open waters. The fry love mosquito larvae (blood worms) and will mature in less than 12 months.
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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Fish Data : Malawi Blue Dolphin Cichlid
Distribution: The Blue Moorii, also known as the Malawi Blue Dolphin and the Hump-head, were described by Boulenger in 1902. They are found in Lake Malawi,
Status: The species is listed on the IUCN Red List, but with the status of 'LC', meaning 'least concern'.
The name Cyrtocara is used here to
reflect modern trends. However, certain authorities maintain that the switch in
nomenclature is at best. Premature and that we should continue to regard this
species as a Haplochromis for the moment. In the wild, this species is often an opportunist feeder which takes advantage of food stirred up by other fish while foraging.
Malawi Blue Dolphin Cichlid has an elongated body with a pointed snout to some extent. As it looks similar to the snout of the dolphin, thus, this fish has its name- Malawi Blue Dolphin. Its body is colored in blue and has several margins of black color on their back and fins. The number of black margins on back and fins of Malawi Blue Dolphin Cichlid depends on the place of their origin. When they grow into an adult, both the sexes whether male or female develop a lump on their foreheads, a cranial bump.
Tank Set Up
Malawi Blue Dolphin Cichlid grows large in size, thus a huge tank is required to keep this fish. A tank which has the capacity to hold 125 gallons of water is suggested. Being docile in nature, this fish needs few rocks and hiding places. There should also be spacious open areas with sandy substrate where it can imitate its natural environment. Malawi Blue Dolphin Cichlid make nice tank mate with mildly aggressive cichlids, synodontis catfish, corydoras and plecos.
Malawi Blue Dolphin Cichlid males keep a territory with numerous females, so it is wise to keep one male with at least three females. It likes an aquarium which has a sandy bottom, some hiding places and ample open space for swimming. One thing must be kept in mind that though it is a timid fish but it will eat small fish when it can. Since 1968, Malawi Blue Dolphin Cichlid is being imported for the aquarium trade. A majority of these fish are caught wild.
The expected life span for Cyrtocara moorii is 12 years.
Size - Weight: These fish get up to 10 inches (25.4 cm).
Care and feeding:
They are omnivorous, so the Blue Moorii will generally eat all kinds of live, fresh, and tablet foods. They do best with a high protein diet, so feed meaty foods such as beef heart chunks, blood worms, or brine shrimp (either live or frozen). To keep a good balance give them a high quality flake food or pellet everyday.
Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom: These fish will swim in all areas of the aquarium.
Acceptable Water Conditions:
Hardness: 10-18° dGH
Ph: 7.2 to 8.8
Temp: 74-79° F 24-26° C
Social Behaviors: They can be a community fish although they are territorial. It is best to keep a male with three or more females in a species tank or with other cichlids that are not overly aggressive, such as the peacock cichlids or the mbuna species from
Sexual Differences & Breeding : It is hard to tell the difference between males and females since they both develop a hump on their forehead. The males may be larger, the cranial bump may also be larger, and they may be more brightly colored, but this is not always the case.
Malawi Blue Dolphin Cichlid lays eggs and form matriarchal families. They are typical mouth brooders. On a smooth rock, the female usually lays eggs and then takes these eggs into her mouth. at a time a female lays about 20 to 90 eggs.
Blue Dolphin Cichlid starts getting sexually active when its body size reaches
three inches. The female will lay 20 to 50 eggs at one time on a flat surface
such as a rock or log and wait for fertilization. It is a mouth
brooder fish so the female picks up the eggs and incubates them in
her mouth for up to three to four weeks.
The female will release the fry when she
thinks it’s safe. Approximately one week after hatching, the female will no
longer take the fry back into her mouth. At this point, the fry can be placed in
a grow out tank.
It is recommended to put the female in her
own tank before she releases the fry. This will keep the fry safe because the
female is too weak to fend off predators.
The fry can be fed
finely ground flake and live baby brine shrimp. The fry of the Blue Dolphin is
very slow growing. To encourage growth, a daily water change of 15% can be done
in the grow out tank.
The Blue Dolphin is
desirable because of its beautiful blue coloration and its peaceful nature. It
can be kept with other passive African Cichlids in a community
credit : www.animalworld.com
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