วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Pic of The day : Beautiful crayfish with Papaya Salad

  I see this picture from my facebook group and i think this picture look so funny ,

These crayfish is still alive , The owner take him to Papaya Salad disc like he is a food

but the owner did not eat him and bring him to his tank later , it is a joke picture so

i love this pic very much. ^ _ ^

วันพุธที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Pic of The day : Beautiful Dwarf Shrimp Pictures

  These shrimp are really beautiful but i think their should be expensive too !!! ^ _ ^

Pic of The day : 4 Beautiful Betta in Singapore Betta contest

   These picture is about best 1 - 4  position in Singapore Betta contest 2013 

They are really beautiful Betta , I think so.^ _ ^

Fish Data : Peacock Goby

   The Peacock goby (Tateurndina ocellicauda) sports a remarkable display of beautiful colors and patterns. In addition to being beautiful, it is fairly easy to care for, have a peaceful temperament and rarely exceeds 7 cm in length. It is therefore a great addition to a community aquarium inhabited by other small and peaceful species that appreciate the same type of environment and water conditions. The Peacock goby is also known as the Peacock Gudgeon and the One-eyed sleeper goby.

   These fish hails from the island of New Guinea where it has been found in a limited part of eastern Pompau, near two small towns named Safia and Popondetta. This region is covered in rain forest and the Peacock goby habit consists of the many slow moving streams and ponds that can be found in this part of the New Guinean jungle. Due to the very limited range of this species and the inaccessibility of the rainforest, the Peacock goby was only known by the local New Guinean inhabitants until the mid 20th century. It was first stumbled upon by foreigners in 1953, and within two years it had been official described by John T. Nichols of the American Museum of Natural History in New York. It would however take an additional three decades before it was introduced to aquarists in Australia and Europe. 

    The Peacock goby like very clean water, so no slacking on the water changes! The male tends to harass the female slightly so plenty of hiding spaces should be provided. They Prefers soft acidic water and a dark substrate with heavy planting and floating plants for cover. Keep tank securely covered as they can and do jump.

     You can  feed them with chiefly on insects, insect larvae and small crustaceans and they will therefore prefer a similar diet in the aquarium. They love brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, bloodworms and similar foods.

    These fish is cave spawners , You should provide lots of small spaces. Spawning usually takes around a day and the male will guard and fan the eggs until they hatch (about 6-7 days). Fry are quite slow growing.

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วันอังคารที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Pic of the day : 26/02/2013

 Beautiful Geophagus cichlid family tank

Nice black ghost fish with his hiding place  ^ _ ^

The smallest frog in the world ^ _ ^

Paedophryne amauensis is a smallest frog in the world their size is 

only 7 MM.The findings were published in the online scientific journal PLoS 

because of their small size of it and they like to live in some piece of fallen 

leaves and the forest floor. Making it difficult to discover this frog.

วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Pic of the day : Tanjo Angle fish

   These is a new color morph of Angel fish " Tanjo Angel Fish " , in my opinion 

they are very awesome color and look very good in plant tank.

Fish Data : Clown Killifish

    These pictures are Clown Killifish , They are small and peaceful fish 

in  aquariums , In the tank they eat small live foods exp, mosquito 

larva , Brine Shrimp , Fairly shrimp , Blood worm etc.


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วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Malawi Eyebiter Cichlid

    The Malawi Eye-Biter is one of those fish species that has a well deserved common name that clearly illustrates its behavior. Malawi Eye-Biters are well known for their propensity to bite or eat the eyes out of smaller fish species before consuming them tail first. Both habitats are a bit unusual as most fish simply swallow their prey head first and do not specifically attack the preys eyes. With a well deserved reputation such as this it is understandable that this species is not suited for most community African Cichlid aquariums. Malawi Eye-Biter need to be house with larger species that will not be considered as a food source. A general rule of thumb is that Malawi Eye-Biter tank mates be at least six inches in length or just over half as long as an adult Malawi Eye-Biter. This species is endemic to all of Lake Malawi and are commonly collected for the aquarium trade, where they are typically sold as Malawi Eye-Biters or Compressiceps Cichlids.

   These fish can grows up to about 10 to 11 inches in length and requires an aquarium of at least 70 gallons in size, but does better in a longer aquarium like a 125 gallon. A larger properly aqua-scaped aquarium will provide more suitable territory, which will allow the Malawi Eye-Biter to co-exist more easily with other large African Cichlid tank mates. Their large mouths and aggressive temperament make the Malawi Eye-Biter unsuitable for most African community aquariums where there is a wide variety in the sizes of the fish. However, they do fine with tank mates that are not seen as a prey item, ie. too large to fit in their mouth.

Water conditions for the aquarium should be:
·                     Temperature from 70 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit
·                     PH value of 7 to 8.8
·                     Hardness of 20 DH
The Malawi Eye Biter requires clean water so a 25% water change must be done weekly.
The Eye Biter likes to hide in vegetation and wait for its prey. To replicate its natural habitat, the aquarium should be heavily planted in the sides and corners. It’s preferable to plant Vallisneria, though other live plants and plastic plants may be used. The substrate should be coral sand in order to maintain the proper water conditions.
Caves made out of rock should be built in order to provide additional hiding places and to reduce aggression. In addition, the Malawi Eye Biter needs some open swimming spaces.
Although the Eye Biter is a predator, it is also a peaceful fish but does not always do well in a community tank. If selecting tank mates, it can be combined with other African cichlids, such as Peacocks, Haplachromis and Placidochromis.
All fish housed in the aquarium must be of equal length or longer than the Malawi Eye Biter. It will eat any fish that is smaller. In a community tank, it is highly recommended to have one male and several females. If more than one male is put into the tank, the males will fight until one remains alive.
Although in the wild a large portion of Malawi Eyebiters diet consists of small fish, feeders are not necessary in an aquarium situation. They do require a high protein diet, consisting of good quality pellets combined with live food such as insects, bloodworms and shrimp. They do require some vegetable matter in their diet, and for this reason, a homemade food is often the next way to go. Beefheart combined with shellfish, shrimp, green vegetables and vitamins would be the best combination to keep your Eyebiters in the best conditions. Brine shrimp and mosquito larvae are good for building juvenile condition, but given the size of the mouths on these fish, they will soon graduate to larger foods.
Sexual Differences: Males are colorful and typically larger. Females are smaller and mostly silver in color.
Breeding: These fish is a Mouth brooder that does the typical Malwai Cichlid breeding dance. The mother will lay then pick up eggs in mouth during dance and male will fertilize. The female will then hold and incubate for about 4 weeks. Females will then spit out the fry when large enough to fend for themselves, no more care from the female after release. Males becomes more aggressive during this time and becomes meaner to smaller fish.
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Pic of The day : Copper Silver Stone Betta

That s one of the most beautiful Betta s color morph ^ _ ^

วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Maingano Cichlid

    These Cichlid is a newer arrival as a recognized species. It was scientifically described as recently as 1979 by Bowers and Stauffer in 1997. It is endemic to Lake Malawi, Africa, but is found in a very limited area. It occurs only at Likoma Island situated the halfway point of the lake, but on the eastern side close Mozambique.
    It belongs to a group of cichlids called Mbunas. There are 13 genera full of very active and aggressive personalities of Mbuna cichlids. The name Mbuna comes from the Tonga people of Malawi and means "rockfish" or "rock-dwelling". This name aptly describes the rocky environment these fish live in as opposed to being open water swimmers like the Utaka cichlids and other "haps" . Some other common names this fish is known by are Melanochromis Maingano, Maingano Cichlid, and Mangano Fish or Mangano Cichlid.
    This fish is not as aggressive as other Melanochromis species, but is a typical Mbuna in size and shape. It has an elongated body and rounded snout along with a continuous dorsal fin. It will only reach about 3 inches (7.5 cm) in length in the wild but is a bit larger in the aquarium, reaching just under 4 inches (10 cm).

   Tank Setup :

     While not the easiest fish to keep provided clean water and proper ratios, maingano should thrive in an mbuna only aquarium. They should be kept in a large community aquarium with other Mbuna type fish such as many Psuedotropheus species, Labidochromis caeruleus, and Iodotropheus sprengerae. The minimum length of the tank should be three feet though four works much better as this fish is more aggressive and territorial than many other mbuna. The aquarium should try to mimic the environment where they are from in nature. This should include extensive rockwork with caves and other hiding places which will allow the fish to develop territories. Sometimes plants can work with this species, though it is not uncommon for them to dig them up as they enjoy digging in the substrate. As noted from the stats above these fish prefer a hard alkaline water with a fairly high pH. If your water is soft or a lower pH, you can use crushed coral as a substrate or place it in your filters as a media/buffer. These fish are voracious eaters and will readily accept flake or pellet food. The food should be high in plant matter with occasional treats of live food. Because they are susceptible to a condition called Malawi Bloat, it is best to feed them smaller, more frequent meals, rather than occasional large ones.

   Acceptable Water Conditions:

Hardness: 6 - 10° dH
Ph: 7.7 - 8.6
Temp: 73 - 82° F (23 -28° C).

Breeding:  These Cichlid is a Mouthbrooding egg-layer. May hybridize with other Mbuna. The Maingano is polygamous in nature with a male attending several females, and they form a matriarchal family. This cichlid has been bred in captivity and like other Mbunas, will spawn in the male's territory. When spawning the male changes his color, it becomes an intense exaggeration of his original coloring that almost looks like a double exposed picture.

The females lay 10 to 60 eggs and then immediately take them into their mouths before they are fertilized. She then stimulates the male to discharge sperm (milt cloud) by mouthing his vent or eggspots on his anal fin. She inhales of cloud of "milt" which then fertilize the eggs in her mouth. In 21 days at about 82° F, the eggs are developed.

The released fry can eat finely powdered dry foods and brine shrimp nauplii.

The female will guard her young for a few days, even taking them into her mouth if there is a perceived threat. As long as you have plenty of hiding places, the young will have an easier time surviving until they are too big to eat. Maingano young start to show their colors within a few weeks and are ready to breed at 1.5"

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

วันจันทร์ที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Pic of The day : Tridacna gigas (Biggest clam)

giant clams Tridacna gigas details.

- Giant Clam is a invertebrates in Phylum Mollusca 
- Weighing is about 200 kg.
- There size is about 1.2 meters.
- Can live about 100 years or more.
- Habitats. In the southern Pacific Ocean. And the Indian Ocean Edii it. In Thailand have been discovered but now it s extinct.
- All the giant clams are hermaphroditic. Sex is a two in one. The first phase is to identify the sex until the age of about 2 years and the males have the sperms. At the age of about four and a half years to be female. They are ready to reproduce their eggs in this age.

Fish Data : Livingston’s Cichlid

       Nimbochromis livingstonii, or Livingston’s cichlid, is a freshwater mouthbrooding cichlid fish of the genus Nimbochromis, native to Lake Malawi, an African Rift Lake. Other names it is known by include Livingston's Cichlid, Livingston's Hap, and Livingstonii.

      The Livingstone Cichlid requires a tank of at least 400 litres or more with plenty of rocks for territories, sand and gravel substrate and hardy plants; they also need a lot of swimming space so a large tank is recommended. The Livingstone cichlid is an 'utaka' fish, which are usually more peaceful then mbuna cichlids, but it can hold its own when provoked, so should only be kept with larger fish; it is not suitable for a community setup

      You can use some substrate like a sand will make them feel most at home. Make sure there are lots of hiding places in rocks and wood. They need some open areas in which to swim so its best to place them towards the back of the aquarium. They also like lots of plants, such as Vallisneria, which creates a more natural environment for them. Even though these fish will burrow, they don't disturb them.

     The Livingstoni are omnivorous, so but in the wild they habitually feed on fish so can be considered a piscivore. In the aquarium they do best with a high protein diet, so can be fed live or frozen food, freeze dried krill, pellets, and other high quality foods for piscivores. Occasionally feed mysis and feeder fish, though feeder fish can initiate hunting instincts and cause more aggression.

       These fish need herbivorous foods as well to balance out their diet. Young up to 3 to 4" can be fed flake, but after that flake is too messy and will foul the water. Adults do best when fed frozen foods twice a week. They will eat to the point of their stomach being distended, so be very careful to not overfeed.

       They are not community fish. Though only moderately aggressive, they are predaceous and will eat anything small. They are best kept in a species tank or with other cichlids. They are relatively peaceful among themselves, but get very territorial when spawning. They should not be kept with Mbunas (smaller rock dwelling cichlids). Also don't put this fish with peaceful cichlids.
      Since they are polygamist breeders they are best kept in groups of one male and several females l (three or more). During spawning they will attack and kill any other males of the same species in the tank unless the tank is large. If overstocking is used as a form of aggression reduction, care should be taken to do several partial water changes a week.
      These Cichlids are egg layers and form matriarchal families. They are polygamous in nature with a male attending several females. This cichlid has been bred in captivity. It is best to place one male with at least three females.

      Unlike others in this genus, they do not dig a spawning pit. They like a flat stone or slate to lay the eggs on. Thefemale will lay up to 100 eggs. Being a mouth brooder she will then pick up the eggs into her mouth for incubation. She will care for the larvae and eggs and when they become fry, she will take them into her mouth at night or anytime she percieves danger. The fry can eat cyclopeeze and finely crushed flake. 






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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Pic of the day : The first meeting of Blue Whales in Thailand

    This is picture of small blue whales ( Balaenoptera musculus ) That have 

been discovered for the first time. In a sea of ​​Thailand.That never found this

whales s species before. ^ _ ^

วันศุกร์ที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

My Selling E-Books : Triops Longicaudatus, The Amazing Crustacean.

Triops Longicaudatus, The Amazing Crustacean.

   This is my lastest E-Book for sale in January  ^ _ ^  , This article was 

written to express the feeder’s experience about triops in simple style, 

friendly, and easy to read. Furthermore, the knowledge about how to feed the 

triops is attached either in the article.and this is some sample of this E-book , 

if you need to see it ^ _ ^

Triops Longicaudatus, The Amazing Crustacean. 

( Sample Data in my E-book )

     For the first time when I saw triops when I went to Chatu Chak market, at that time, it was considered new for me. I had never known it before. Then, suddenly, I felt impress and thought that there will be something interesting for sure because it was so attractive (my personal opinion). In fact, I was impressed in its enthusiastic swimming movements and intending sand-digging as if its origin’s job is digger. I felt relaxed, relieved my stress, relieved my bore of mob, politics, moneyless, rain-falling, and etc. At that time, I didn’t have any knowledge about triops, so after I knew the name, I used “Google”, one of popular search engine, and I could obtain my knowledge about it. Triops or Tadpole Shrimp is small crustacean of the family Branchiopod, relatives of crabs, lobsters, and crayfish. From the outside appearance, triops’ shape is alike horseshoes or king crab if compared to the animals but smaller but there were thin armor around its body. It uses fins and tail to swim. In some species, we could identify the triops by their sex through the length of tail. In the nature worldwide, there are 15 kinds of triops in Southern part of North America, some parts of Africa, Australia, Japan, and Russia. They could reproduction in various weather condition; very hot and cold. Moreover, It can be found in South America, Hawaii, New Caledonia, along to Galapagos Island, land of giants turtles. In some regions of Asia, there also have triops.

    According to the color of triops, generally, indifferent species, the color are green, brown, red-brown, or blacken tone. There are some species which the color is dark bluesky, but only few percent. For instance, Triops cancriformis simplex , most is 1 – 3 inches long, but 4 inches or more in Africa and Europe. Triops was identified and known in 1732. At that time, the scientific name is Apus. Later, the name was changed to triops, which means "Three-eye God". Oops, sorry, it means "three-eye alike" in 1958. In fact, the third eye is the part of the body called Dorsal organ, long section bar, and carapace is flat which cover 2 of 3 parts of thorax. There are 2 – 3 appendages from abdomen. Triops have 35 – 70 pairs of fin for swimming and 2 big teeth ,Although it is frighten and would like to swim around our fingers, it cannot harm us for sure. Don’t be frightened.

    Triops can eat many kinds of food, started from Lemma sp., moss, bacteria, protozoa (amazing), along to living things in naturewhich is smaller that it. It is the main rival of fairy shrimp, mosquito larva, and water flea. But “!@*& #@!$%& !$@#^*” not long, during triops are finding food, birds and frog will happy to eat triops too. It’s true. It’s ecosystem, small animal eat (dead) big animal, or else big animal eat smaller. However, along to the policy of small aquatic animals and weed extermination, especially in Japan, triops are used to exterminate the weed in the rice field. The existence of Triops tell us that there are many small animals which can live, such as a little frog:) because they eat triops, important foundation of Potein nutrient. However, although triops were eaten by many living things, they can spread out and grow through the stream or water source by many living things. For example, triops’ eggs may stick with mud on the bird’s legs. And, when the bird move to find the new place, the eggs will be unleashed from the mud on the bird’s legs and disperse from one place to another. So intelligence....

    The bark of the egg is called cryst. Cryst is impossibly durable to the weather condition, rather than human body. Cryst can stand for the heat up to 98 degree!!! Or nearly boiled water. And after baked at the same temperature, it can be “hatched” in the water.... Oh, impossible, but it’s true. Moreover, cryst can stand to the cold weather very well. And, the egg can be stored for hatch up to 15 years!! (some books state 20 years). That is the reason why triops can live for a long time from Triassic even if there is no development. Scientists then give the name of triops “alive fossil”.....