วันพุธที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Fish Data : Glowlight Danio

Descripton :
    These fish are originate from the small streams and river tributaries of the Ayeyarwady river basin in the southeast Asian country of Myanmar . They are plentiful and widespread throughout their home region, inhabiting everything from small fast flowing mountain streams to larger slower moving river tributaries. Their native habitat generally consists of a smooth gravel substrate littered with large rocks and rocky formations. The Glowlight Danio uses its small size to be able to dart in and out of the rocks, both for protection from predators and to hunt for insect larvae, some of small crustaceans and other similar foodstuffs.

    Glowlight Danio scatter their eggs in shallow water over a substrate of coarse gravel. A well-planted tank may help induce breeding in this shy fish. After hatching, usually within 36 hours after spawning, the fry should be fed fine pieces of live foods.
    These fish are omnivores and should be fed a diet of flake foods with plenty of vegetable matter, as well as freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex.

Lifespan :

The expected life span for Glowlight danio is 1-3 years.
Tank Setup : 
  •  Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38 L)
  • Substrate Type: Any
  • Lighting Needs: Moderate - normal lighting - An overly brightly light aquarium tends to wash out their otherwise spectacular coloration.
  • Hardness Range: 2 - 15 dGH
  • Brackish: No
  • Water Movement: Moderate
  • Water Region: All - The Glowlight Danio will inhabit all regions of the tank, but favor the middle.
  • Water Change :  1 per Monthly
  • Temperature: 72.0 - 80.0° F (22.2 - 26.7° C)
  • Range ph: 6.0-7.0

Feeding :
    You can feed this fish with any fish food, live or prepared. They enjoy small live foods like brine shrimp and insect larvae. As with all danios, these fish are quite active and have high nutrient requirements, so select a flake food that will provide for their needs.

  • Diet Type: Omnivore
  • Flake Food: Yes
  • Live foods (fishes, shrimps, worms): Some of Diet
  • Vegetable Food: Some of Diet
  • Meaty Food: Some of Diet
  • Feeding Frequency: Several feedings per day
  • Tablet Pellet: Yes 

Social Behaviors  & Tank Mate :

    Glowlight Danio are fairly shy fish. Any large tank mates, peaceful or not, tend to scare them into hiding. They will generally get along amongst their own kind. They may chase each other around a little, but without harm. A school of six or more individuals is required or else they will become lethargic, refuse to eat, and waste away. Mixing the sexes makes the males much brighter in coloration.

     Glowlight Danio will do well in a wide variety of tropical community aquariums setups and will coexist peacefully with a wide range of tank mates.exp. Other Danios, Cory Cats, Plecos, peaceful Tetras and Rasboras, Killifish and Loaches , Ideally they should be provided an aquarium that resembles their native habitat or at least provides them open swimming areas and enough decor to provide them places to retreat to when threatened. Ideal conditions will include a gravel substrate, larger rocks, driftwood and plants combined with open swimming areas. Glowlight Danio leap from the water in nature to avoid predators, thus they are prone to jumping from the aquarium as well. Hobbyists should fully cover the aquarium to prevent them from jumping out of the tank when startled. Being a native river based species the Glowlight Danio is accustomed to plenty of water movement; therefore, the addition of a powerhead or strong water return is recommended.

    Due to their overall small adult size of just over an inch, fish like Angels, Bala Sharks and many Catfish species will often prey on Glowlight Danio while they sleep.

Sexing :

    When the females Glowlight Danio are carrying eggs, they will have a fuller profile; otherwise it is virtually impossible to distinguish between the sexes.

Breeding :

    These fish can be tricky to get to breed; they are definitely one of the hardest danios in that respect. Add some java moss or spawning mops to the breeding tank and the eggs should be laid in the daybreak hours. Once all of the spawning has finished, remove the parents or they will eat the eggs. The fry will be very small when they hatch and can only accept minute foods like Infusoria initially. They are slow growers and can take up to 6 months to reach maturity.


Picture Credit : http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/showthread.php?p=1329679

