วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Venustus Cichlid

    These  is a large cichlid with the male having a blue face with yellow markings across the head and dorsal fin. The female is less colorful with a silver background behind a dark blotched pattern. This species  is closely related to Nimbochromis livingtonii. Both are popular cichlids reguarly found in pet stores. Nimbochromis venustus is sometimes called the Giraffe Hap because of the blotchy patches that appear on females (see photo at right) and sub-adult males. Males in breeding dress have a bright blue head and yellow-green sheen to the flanks partially covering the "giraffe" splotches. There appears to be quite a bit of difference between individuals depending on age, position in the hierarchy and the presence of breeding color.The common name for this fish is the Giraffe Hap
    These cichlid is fairly hardy and easy to keep. Like all Malawian cichlids, it appreciates hard water and temperatures of 76 to 80F. Nimbochromis venustus grows up to 10 inches; a group of six to eight adults would do best large tank of at least 100 gallons. Smaller specimens can be kept in correspondingly smaller aquaria.
   They are an ambush predator. It has been observed burrowing into the sand where it's splotchy coloration acts a camouflage. Because of this habit, provide a soft substrate of sand or fine gravel. A sharp substate combined with poor water quality can quickly lead to eye cloudiness in this fish.
    Like other predators cichlid that live in the sandy habitat, They are strong and swift swimmers. In the nature, Nimbochromis venustus is an opportunistic feeder. Much has been written about its habit as a paedophage (fry eater) where the ambush technique previously mentioned comes into play. Stomach contents have revealed, however, a variety of zoo plankton and other materials, so as you'd expect, this fish is easy to feed in captivity. Breeder can fed them with Tetra Cichlid Flakes, spirulina flakes, Aquadine Duraflakes, frozen brine shrimp and Tetra Cichlid Sticks.ETC.
 Tank Setup
  • Minimum Tank Size: 125 gal (473 L) - Juveniles can be kept in a 70 gallon tank, but for adults 125 gallons is suggested.
  • Suitable for Nano Tank: No
  • Substrate Type: Sand
  • Lighting Needs: Moderate - normal lighting
  • Temperature: 73.0 to 82.0° F (22.8 to 27.8° C)
  • Range ph: 7.7-8.6 - Venustus can tolerate a ph that's just above 7.0, but prefer 8.0 or higher.
  • Hardness Range6 - 10 dGH
  • Brackish: Sometimes - Salt is not found in their natural environment, but they do have a slight tolerance, keep levels below 10% - a specific gravity of less than 1.0002.
  • Water Movement: Moderate
  • Water Region: Middle - These fish will swim in the middle and bottom areas of the aquarium.
Social Behaviors
     These Cichlid is not considered to be a community fish. They are voracious predators, but they are only moderately aggressive accept when spawning. They do best in a species specific tank or with other cichlids. Some aquarists report severe aggressiveness, which could be due to inadequate housing. They should not be kept with Mbunas (smaller rock dwelling cichlids). Some have put them with others of there same genus, though in very large systems to promote the spawning colors.
The Venustus is best kept in groups of one male and several females. They will shoal together if there are quite a few (6 to 8 adults in 125 gallons). They will attack and kill any other males of the same species in the tank unless the tank is large. If overstocking is used as a form of aggression reduction, care should be taken to do several partial water changes a week. Do not put this fish with peaceful cichlids.
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive - Although they are voracious predators, if the tank is large enough they are only moderately aggressive accept when spawning.
  • Compatible with:
    • Same species - conspecifics: Yes - They are best kept in groups of 1 male with several females. The male will attack and kill another male unless the tank is very large. If there are 6-8 adults they will shoal together.
    • Peaceful fish (): Threat
    • Semi-Aggressive (): Safe
    • Aggressive (): Monitor
    • Large Semi-Aggressive (): Monitor
    • Large Aggressive, Predatory (): Threat
    • Slow Swimmers & Eaters (): Threat
    • Shrimps, Crabs, Snails: Threat - is aggressive
    • Plants: Monitor
Sex: Sexual differences
     The Males Cichlid have brighter blue or yellow coloring with muted patterning, and females are blander in color with more pronounced patterning.
Breeding / Reproduction
    The Venustus is polygamous in nature with a male attending several females, and they form a matriarchal family. This cichlid has been bred in captivity. It is suggested to get a group of six to eight juveniles and let them grow up together. They like a flat stone or slate to lay their eggs. Make sure this breeding site is not near a strong water flow since the eggs are externally fertilized.
    Being a mouth brooder the female will pick up the eggs into her mouth for incubation. She will carry 60 to 120 eggs for over a month, and will allow the hatched fry to hide in her mouth for up to 10 days, after which they are on their own. If the tank is very "busy" she may let the eggs go too soon, so you may have to strip her of all eggs a few days after spawning and incubate them for around 13 days. On her own, she will hold them in her mouth for about 2 weeks.
    This would be a good time to take them out of the tank as the male has no qualms about eating his children! The fry can eat cyclopeeze and finely crushed flake. They will color up like the female in a short time and grow quickly. In a species specific tank, adding a young male is asking for trouble, though in a mixed tank, you can sometimes get away with more than one subordinate male. 

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Best Arowana and String ray picture

                                         I think they are pretty much in the same  ^ _ ^  

Cute Goldfishs in the pool

I love the left fish ( Black Goldfish ) very much , I think he look so beautiful

Beautiful Short Body Crossbreed Cichlid

It s really beautiful shot body crossbreed cichlid ^ _ ^

วันพุธที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Fahaka Puffer

Common name:    

Fahaka Puffer, Nile puffer, Coral Butterfly, Lined Puffer. 

Other stat:    

Size:  Up to 18 inches+ (46 cm +)

Tank:  120 gallons (450 Liters) with at least 24 inches (60 cm) of turning room 

Strata:  Bottom to middle but will come to the top.

PH:  6.0 - 7.8

Hardness:  DH: 8-15

Temperature:  74°F to 80°F (23°-26° C)


Africa: Nile, Chad basin, Niger, Volta, Gambia, Geba and Senegal Rivers. 

General Body Form:   

 Typical puffer shape with scale less tough skin. There are two protruding forked nasal processes on either side of the head. 


Green and a lighter yellow underbelly. Has yellow stripes running down its body. Sometimes The green may be suffused or overlaid with reddish to maroon. May be particular to a fish, mood, or setup - some fish show it routinely, others never. Not terribly common. 

Experience level: 

 This fish is for advanced aquarists only. They have special needs that need to be taken care of and they require a lot more time than most tropical fish. You have to know what their specific needs are and how to meet these requirements. Fahaka puffers are an expensive fish to keep. These guys require a commitment as they can live for many years. 


 Large tank, over filtration is a must because this fish is a very messy eater and produces large amounts of waste. Sandy and or rounded gravel substrate is a must as very young Fahakas and a few adults act as lurker predators as much as hunter-predators. They bury themselves in the substrate - only the eyes showing if it is deep enough. Almost all young fish (still mottled cryptic color, no stripes) show this behavior. Very few adults do this unless really disturbed or threatened, but then they may . It needs caves and places to hide and explore. It needs large open swimming areas. It enjoys a very complex environment with lots of caves and lots of plants. Expect the fish to grow 1 inch per month in the first year. Like all other kinds of puffer fish, these fish are very intolerant of ammonia and nitrates and must be introduced to a fully cycled tank. They are strictly a freshwater fish. Needs at least 50% water change every week.


  These fish are carnivore, it is best kept on a diet consisting of Krill shrimp, crayfish, crab and the occasional feeder fish. Feeder fish really should not given at all because they are poor nutritionally most of the time and a massive disease hazard for a fish that can live into its teens, plus not much good for the incisor either. Freeze dried food is a good way to feed your fish. They will eat shrimp with shell on and broken off crab and lobster legs, etc. that you can buy at almost any supermarket. Young fish that are around 3 ½ inches and smaller should be fed 1-2 times daily. Fishes 3 ½ to 6 inches should be fed every other day. And fish bigger than six inches should be fed twice a week. Sometimes a fish may need to be fed more as it grows. Only the real lurkers are piscivores, and they prefer inverts if available (in captivity), but lacking those will certainly take live fish. 


 The Fahaka puffer is extremely aggressive and will kill anything else in the tank. They must be kept by themselves. 


 They are aggressive fish that tend to be active. They will come to recognize you as their owners. They will appreciate well planted tanks with caves as they like to explore. This fish can puff up with air and it should be picked up with a tub of water and not a net. 


 large rivers, open water, weed beds and vegetated fringes. 


 These fish are so aggressive that it isn't known how they reproduce in the wild. They are impossible to breed in the aquarium due to their aggressive nature. 


www.thepufferforum.com  -  pufferpedia – tetraodon lineatus
www.aquaticcommunity.com – fahaka puffer

วันจันทร์ที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Trewavas Cichlid


   A Cichlid with a similar body shape to Fuelleborn's Cichlid. The body is elongated and the anal and dorsal fins are pointed. Male specimen are usually similar in color and pattern. They are blue with dark bands, and have yellow to red to brown anal, caudal, and dorsal fins. On the other hand, females range in color from: speckled in a number of colors, the coloring of male fish, to marbled orange. The lower jaw is under-slung for rasping algae off of rocks.Their similar species are Zebra Cichlid ( Pseudotropheus zebra), Kennyi ( Pseudotropheus lombardoi), Fuelleborn's Cichlid (Labeotropheus fuelleborni )

   Feeder can keep them in tank size about 45 - 55 gallons , pH 7.0-8.5 (8.1), 10-30 dH (18), 72-82 F ( or 22-28 C) 

   These Cichlid is an An aggressive and territorial fish that should only be combined with other Mbunas. Males are especially aggressive and should be kept with several females.The male has obvious yellow egg-spots on his anal fin, while the female has small ones or none at all., These Cichlid is not difficult to breed.

   Feeder can feed them with many small live foods exp. Algae; flake; live; snails, bloodworms, mosquito larvae, microorganisms, crustaceans, snails, Tubifex ; pellets; tablets; plant matter; vegetables; peas, lettuce, spinach; fruit.etc. The color of this fish may fade if not fed sufficient vegetable foods.

   Their life span is about 6 - 10 year depend of good environment and proper care for them.

Other Informations :

Suitable for Nano Tank: No
Substrate Type: Sand/Gravel Mix
Lighting Needs: Moderate - normal lighting
(28° C) can be done to fit the needs of the aquarist.
Brackish: Sometimes - Salt is not found in their natural environment, but they do have a slight tolerance, keep levels below 10% - a specific gravity of less than 1.0002.
Water Movement: Moderate
Water Region: Middle - These fish will swim in the middle and bottom areas of the aquarium.
Other name of this fish : Scrapermouth Mbuna, Redtop Cichlid, Red-finned Cichlid, Redtop Mbuna

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Pic of The day : Beautiful Procambarus Allenii

   These is a beautiful picture of P. Allenii , That i founded in my facebook group,

in my home i have  40 - 50 number of this speices  in my home ^ _ ^  , I sell some 

of them like a hobby.

วันเสาร์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Malawi Cichlid

  In the wild, Malawi Cichlids live in water temperatures of around 24-26°C or 76-79°F. An attempt should be made to keep the aquarium’s water temperature around these levels. Lake Malawi cichlids do not stand high temperatures very well; an effort should be made to locate the aquarium away from any sunny windows/space heaters, which could cause the water to overheat. Generally speaking, the higher the temperature of the water, the higher will be the metabolism of the fish, hence more food should be provided to maintain their activity level and ensure proper health. Even if you live in warm climates, it is recommended you use an aquarium heater in your home aquarium as this helps prevent any fluctuations in water temperature which can lead to stress in the fish.

    Filtration of the water is as with any fish, there should be enough filters to provide both ample biological and mechanical filtration but also to create surface agitation to maintain gas exchange (O2 in and CO2 out). Malawi cichlids can be messy fish and overcrowding is sometimes necessary so over-filtering a tank is usually a good idea. The variety of filters available is great, however the most popular tend to be HOBs (hang on backs) and canister filters. UGFs (Under Gravel Filters) should be avoided as most Malawi Cichlids are diggers and will most likely expose the UGF plate therefore compromising its filtration efficiency. For much larger tanks a sump may be an attractive option however that is for the owner to decide.

    In the home aquarium, every attempt should be made to replicate these conditions as much as possible. However before deciding on decor, a little research on the species to be kept may be necessary. In general, there are two groups of cichlids in lake Malawi. The mbuna, or rock dwellers, spend most of their time in the rocky habitats and therefore should have a tank that is mostly filled with rock. On the other hand, the non-mbuna, often referred to as the Haps and Peacocks, typically live in the intermediate to sandy habitats and therefore require much less rock in the home aquarium. It is generally not a good idea to mix these two fish together not only because of the different tank set-up requirements, but also because of diet and aggression. Keeping both groups can prove challenging to the owner and often result in unnecessary deaths.

    Feeding African Cichlids the right type of food is very important. Due to their extremely long intestinal tracts, it takes a long time for them to digest food. Once you have identified the four different dietary habits of African Cichlids, and know which species you maintain, you can purchase the correct food. Inappropriate foods will rot in their stomachs causing bloating, sickness and sometimes death. For this reason, foods with a large proportion of spirulina and vegetables are best. Frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp are also good for most species, but meats and live blackworms are not recommended. Researching specific foods for specific species is essential.

     Most Malawi Cichlids are about 4" in length, but a few species reach up to lengths of 12" as well. It is estimated that there are about 500 species of cichlids in Lake Malawi

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วันศุกร์ที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Pic of The day : Beautiful Fire spiny eel Tank

  I think The Fire spiny eel is one of the most beautiful freshwater eel in Thailand . 

And this is a beautiful Fire spiny eel tank that i founded today in my facebook group

วันพุธที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Channa Ornatipinnis

Common name/s:..... ornate snakehead/burmese spotted snakehead 

Scientific name:......... Channa ornatipinnis

Family:.............. Channidae

Origin:.......... Irrawaddy and Sitang River basins Myanmar

Maximum size:......... Their maximum size is about 12"

Feeding:........ This fish can feeding with live and frozen meaty foods of all kinds, earth worms and mealworm's dried all mine seem to love and chopped prawn's

Sexing:........... They are very difficult to sex, male's usually being bigger than the female, wider face

Breeding:...... Once a pair has formed breeding should come a while after, They lay there egg's in a nest at the suface, and brood care is similar to that of cichlids, the fry can be fed on new born live bearer fry and small live foods..I grew mine up 100% on deshelled brineshrimp egg's and finely crushed dried 


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Cute Goldfish pair

They are really cute goldfish pair look like The Lovers ^ _ ^

Fish Data : Clown knifefish

   This is a fish of the genus Chitala found in IndiaIndonesia , Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia. Main foods are smaller fishes and fish pellets (in aquarium). They have been introduced to some areas of the United States. As an aquarium fish, they are popular in the United States and have likely been released from aquarium environments. South Florida anglers have been known to catch the fish when attempting to bass fish. They are also considered delicacies in other countries especially due to their immense size 

   These fish is easy to kept in aquarium , You should be kept these fish in tanks size about 10-40 gallons (as hatchlings) and 125 gallons and up (juveniles and adults). For a fully grown clown knife fish, the best recommended size tank would be at least 200 gallons or up. They can be kept together as hatchlings and as juveniles but grow very territorial as they age and can inflict serious damage to each other that could be fatal since they have very small scales and have less protection than other fish with scales. They are normally fed feeder fish but can be trained to eat pellets and/or flakes. It is recommended that you should train them to eat pellets as this would be cheaper than buying feeder fish and will maintain the same health and growth rate (possibly an even better one). They are not recommended to be kept in community tanks with smaller fish as they will eat any fish that can fit in their mouths even if they are trained to eat pellets and/or flakes. 


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Pic of The day : Lazy Apricot Crayfish

Ha Ha Ha.... I look like he need to sleep and didn't want anybody to annoy him. ^ _ ^

วันอังคารที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Beautiful Sea String ray pictures

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Many amazing deep sea creatures

Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic
Deep-Sea Creatures by nationalgeographic

Thank you photo by ocean.nationalgeographic

Pic of The Day : Beautiful Clown Loach

I think he is a little bit fat but look very cute and smart ^ _ ^

Fish Data : Ogre catfish ( Asterophysus Batrachus )

Origin Place : Orinoco River in Brazil

Tank Setup : PH 5.5-7 
Tank Size : more than 30 inch is better
Temperature24.0-29.0°C or 75.2-84.2°F
Feeding : They can eat every live foods that smaller than their mouth and they can eat some bottom pellet foods too.easy to take care them
Care : These fish need high quality of water , in their tank you can setup some hiding place for them.

Ahh...My stomach is full already !!!

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Pic of The day : Beautiful Channa striata

  The owner who take this beautiful Channa Striata picture told he take this photograph in the river at Rayong , Thailand and the bottom pictures is the underwater view of this place

วันอังคารที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Beautiful " Supreme Red " Arowana

These is a beautiful  6 inch  " Supreme Red " Arowana from Sianlon farm , 

That some one post in my face book group , I think it should be expensive 

but  it is really beautiful arowana.

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Lamprichthys tanganicanus

     An elongated fish with a slightly arched back.   The back of male fish is dark olive-yellow, while the flanks are lighter.  The body is covered with bright sky-blue spots.   The fins are yellow with numerous bright yellow spots.  The frontal part of the caudal fin has blue spots, although the rest is colored like the other fins.   All the fins are marked with a yellow fringe.  Females are less colorful, with silver-blue spots.

     The Males size is about  6" (15 cm) and females size is  4.7" (12 cm) , Their tank size should be about 48" (122 cm) with a capacity of 50 gallons (190 L) is sufficient for adults.  It is very important to leave large open swimming areas.   Set up the tank as for Lake Tanganyika Cichlids is best.

     These fish like to eat small live food like flying insects, crustaceans, Tubifex; flakes; pellets etc.

     The Males are larger, more colorful, and have more elaborate fins. , if you need to breed theam , you should be use a large tank with many rock structures.   The dominant male will pair with a female.   The spawning is a slow process and the eggs are laid in crevices.   Remove the rocks from the tank as the parents will eat the eggs.  The eggs, not usually numbering more than 100, hatch after 11-14 days.   Start feeding the fry with nauplii and powdered dry foods.  The young are slow-growing.

credit : http://fish.mongabay.com/species/Lamprichthys_tanganicanus.html

ฺำฺBeautiful Fresh water cave crab in Laos

These is a beautiful cave crab in Luang - Pha - Bang , Laos , Now we should not identity 

about this crab species.

The Killifish Discovery

 New Species of Killi fish , They are really beautiful ^ _ ^