วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

Fish Data : Convict Julie Cichlid

   The Convict Julie Julidochromis regani is an attractive cichlid found in Lake Tanganyika, Africa. It is slender and elongated with a pleasing color pattern. Most varieties have a nice contrast of three to four brown horizontal stripes over a background of varying shades of yellow. Some have a beautiful yellows on the belly and in the pectoral fins.

   They are reported to grow up to lengths of 12 inches (30 cm) in the wild but rarely get that large in the aquarium. Females are always the larger fish, commonly reaching about 6 inches (15 cm) in length, with males reaching only about 4 inches (10 cm). Other common names it is known by include the Striped Julie, Giant Julie, Yellow Julie, and Regani. The name 'Yellow Julie' is also commonly used for its close relative the Ornate Julie Julidochromis ornatus, which has a very similar appearance.

   There are several slightly different color pattern variations of the Convict Julie, and all are very attractive. Color morphs vary depending upon the location in Lake Tanganyika where each specimen is collected. It is said that those from shallower waters will be more yellow while those from deeper water are darker. They are sometimes named for the area which it comes from, some examples include Julidochromis regani "kipili", Julidochromis regani "gold sambia" and Julidochromis regani "mboka".

   These cichlids make a great choice for the beginning cichlid keeper, and are appealling to advanced aquarists as well. They are the most tolerant of the Julidochromis genus. You can keep just one specimen, a pair, or even a group of these fish if the aquarium is very large. When kept in a group that includes males, they will form pairs generally for life. They also do well in a community cichlid tank. Keep them with other Tanganyika cichlids that are similar in size. However it is important to keep conspecific varieties and similar species separate to prevent hybrids.

   They are moderately easy to care for as long as regular water changes are done to keep water at optimal levels. A minimum 20 gallon tank for a single fish is suggested, and 40 gallons or more for a community type tank. They are ready eaters and hardy. Provide them with a sandy or fine gravel substrate along with lots of rockwork with caves and crevices for them to retreat and spawn. Hardy plants like Sagittaria and Vallisneria can make a nice addition. They will not harm plants though they may burrow when spawning. These fish will breed in captivity, and the plants will provide cover for the newly hatch fry.

   Convict Julies should be housed in an aquarium of 55 gallons or more and be provided with a fine sand substrate. They should also be provided with plenty of rock formations and live plants for hiding places and shelter similar to their natural environment (this will help fry survive if breeding is of interest); driftwood can also be used and would provide a good medium for certain African plants that have no problem adhering to various surfaces. The Convict Julie prefers good water movement and enough space to swim around freely without having to turn immediately turn around. They are a relatively peaceful and can be housed with a variety of other tank mates, although they should not be kept with the extremely aggressive species.

   The Convict Julie is omnivorous and feeds on invertebrates, insect larvae, mollusks, and crustaceans among the aufwuchs in their natural environment. In the aquarium their diet should consist of a variety of live, frozen, and freeze-dried bloodworms, daphnia, plankton, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp, as well as vitamin-enriched flake foods and pellets. Feed what will be consumed in a few minutes, one to two times daily.

   Convict Julies are cave spawners. The female will lay her eggs in a cave and the male with fertilize them soon afterwards; the female will defend and care for the eggs while the male patrols their territory. The fry can be fed and raised on Artemia nauplii.

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