วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Diamond Tetra

Species name: Moenkhausia pittieri

Synonym: Moenkhausia pittieri

Common name: Diamond Tetra

Family: Characidae

Order: Cypriniformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 2.5 inches (6 cm).

Environment: freshwater

Origin: South America - in the waters of Lake Valencia, Rio Bue, Rio Tiquiriti and in Venezuela

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Are suitable for community aquariums.

Water parameters: Temperature 22-28°C / 72-82°F. ph. 5.5- 7.5

    In a soft, acidic water aquarium with plants along the back and swimming room in front, a dark substrate and background and subdued lighting, a shoal of this species will sparkle true to its common name, diamond tetra. Young fish such as those frequently available may not look like much in the store tank, but when mature this fish blossoms. The iridescence reflected off the scales as the fish swims is indeed beautiful.

     Must be kept in a group, minimum of six but a larger group will show off the fish to its best. Males have long flag-like dorsal fins and longer ventral and anal fins, and these fins all have a violet sheen compared to the clear and smaller fins of the female. This species will readily spawn in a suitable environment in typical characin fashion.

    This species was initially described by C.H. Eigenmann in 1920. Eigenmann had previously (1903) erected the genus, named to honour his friend W.J. Moenkhaus. Ahl (1935) gave the name Opisthanodus haerteli to fish subsequently determined by Zarske and Gery (1995) to be the subject species, and O. haerteli is thus a synonym of M. pittieri the valid name.

    The genus Moenkhausia was previously considered within the Sub-Family Tetragonopterinae, but this classification, as indeed that of the entire Characidae family, has for some time been deemed incertae sedis [Latin for "of uncertain placement"]. Javonillo, et al. (2010) proposed that the Subfamily Tetragonopterinae should only be used for species within the genus Tetragonopterus. J. Marcos Mirande (2009) proposed several revisions to the Family Characidae based upon phylogenetic diagnosis. Some genera have been moved to a new Subfamily, while others are now (temporarily) assinged to a specific clade within the Family pending further phylogenetic study.

Aquarium setup: They prefer a clean well planted aquarium and enjoy more dimmed lighting which can be achieved with floating plants they also enjoy a lower PH and water filtered over turf which will also show up the coloring more.

Water Conditions
   In the wild, the Diamond Tetra lives in slow moving streams and lakes with a lot of vegetation. A well planted tank will make them more comfortable. Although it can take a surprisingly wide range of pH with very slow acclimatization, 6-7 is its ideal range, so it has no trouble with a community tank with neutral pH (7). 24 degrees C (75 degrees F) is a suitable temperature to set the thermostat.
   The water where this tetra comes from is soft. The Diamond Tetra can be acclimatized to hard water, but this has to be done very slowly. I have never had any trouble with this fish in our moderately hard water.


    They are very peaceful and make a beautiful addition to any community tank. They live for up to 5 years and if well fed can show stunning colors. They truly glitter like their namesake with an opalescent shine of its scales in hues of orange, green, blue & purple. Everytime they swim in a different direction more colors can be seen. The more mature the more amazing the colors especially in males who’s dorsal & pelvic fins take on a purple color.

    The Diamond Tetra is a strongly schooling fish, and I suggest that at least 6 be kept together. In a school, it is a peaceful fish, and I have never known it to be a fin nipper, which does not prove it would never nip a fin. Certainly this type of behavior would be more likely if there are only one or two Diamond Tetras in the tank.
    A school of Diamond Tetras should be all right with a very wide range of small fish, including: Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Green Neon Tetras, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Cherry Barbs, Penguin Tetras, PristellaTetras, Glowlight Tetras, Red EyeTetras, Silvertip Tetras, Gold Barbs, Rummy Nose Tetras, Scissortail Rasboras, Lemon Tetras, Emperor Tetras, Head and Tail Light Tetras, Glass Bloodfin Tetras, Swordtails, Platies, Mollies, Zebra Danios, Black Widow Tetras, Rosy Barbs, Tiger Barbs, Paraguay Tetras, Buenos Aires Tetras and Colombian Tetras They would probably also be OK with Siamese Fighting Fish, Guppies and Endlers Guppies.
    In all cases, you need to observe your fish. They do not always act as we expect.Avoid large, aggressive or predatory fish with Diamond Tetras.

Feeding: These fish are not fussy eaters and accept most foods including flake food.

Breeding: The Diamond Tetra are easy to sex, The dorsal fin of the male is long and flowing. It is also more pointed and is sickle shaped. The female becomes full bodied while the male remains more slender. For breeding a breeding tank needs to be set up (5 gallons is fine) and the PH lowered to 5.5 and the hardness of the water to less than 4 dGH. The tank has to be completely darkened and the light gradually added to induce spawning. The biggest challenge in breeding Diamond Tetra’s is finding a compatible couple…they must be of the same size & age to spawn together.


 Credit : http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2291/1810941370_a0cc83f698.jpg

