วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Glowlight Tetra

Quick Information

Scientific Name : Hemigrammus erythrozonus
Common Names : Glo-lite Tetra, Glowlight Tetra, Fire Neon Tetra
Glow Light Tetra Care Level : Easy to Moderate, slowly acclimate them to your tank using a slow drip.
Size : Up to 1.5 inches (4 cm)
pH : 5.5 - 7
Temperature : 72°F - 80°F (22°C - 27°C)
Lifespan : 5 years or longer
Origin / Habitat : Guyana, South America

    This fish is a really nice looking tetra with an orange-red stripe that runs the length of its semi-transparent body. Proper aquarium lighting levels with a dark fish tank bottom can help enhance the colors of this fish. They are slightly smaller than other commonly available tetras and should be kept with similar sized and non-aggressive species. They will do really well in an aquarium with live plants. Like other small tetras, such as the Neon Tetras, this fish does best in small schools (shoal) of 5 or more. Do not keep them with larger species that could potentially eat them. Even if you keep them in schools they can still be a little shy, keeping a low profile most of the time.

    Glowlight Tetras are shoaling fish. Shoaling fish are extremely social fish that instinctively travel in a group. They tend not to fare well in an aquarium devoid of other members of their species. Depending on how strong the instinct runs in an individual species, some shoaling fish can not survive at all in an isolated environment. It is always advisable to have at least four of any given shoaling fish in a community fish tank.

  This fish is a small freshwater fish variety, reaching an adult length of only about an inch and a half. They have a mild disposition and make wonderful additions to community tanks provide they are in the presence of similarly natured fish whose size is not big enough to view them as a source of nutrition.

   like all tetras, are hiders. They take readily to heavily planted aquariums. Giving them plenty of places to hide will increase these rather small fishes’ chances of long-term survival in a community setting. Glowlights are mid-tanks swimmers. So you want vegetation large enough to be present in the middle of your aquarium.

General Body Form:
    The abdominal area of the male Glowlight Tetra is curves in slightly (concave), and he is smaller and less robust than the female. Generally this is a very slender species resembling the neon tetra in shape and form. Top size is about 1.5 inches.

    Overall a very pleasing species to look at. The anal, ventral and dorsal fins are slightly off white to translucent in coloration, in addition the front of the dorsal fin is marked by a bright red stripe. This color is repeated on the top section of the eye. The basic body color is pale translucent olive green color. There is a shimmering purple to red stripe starting at the base of the tail fin extending to the mouth area. Under certain light you can see an additional golden stripe on top of the red.

Temperament / Behavior : A very small tetra that needs to be kept in small schools (shoal) of 5 or more.
Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : They are more apt to breed in an environment that closely mimics their native waters. Filtering the aquarium water through peat or adding a thin layer to the substrate will help make them feel at home and help to induce breeding.  Make sure the peat doesn’t contain chemical additives or fertilizers. A breeding tank should always be used. Provide the tank with plenty of fine leafed foliage. Hornwort will work well for this purpose.

    The glowlight tetra is an egg layer. Egg layers are notorious for eating their un-hatched eggs. Tetras will scatter their eggs among the plants instinctively. Promptly remove the adults from the breeding tank after spawning.  The fry will be much more likely to survive without the adults present.

    Fry will hatch in about 24 hours. Newly hatched fry can be feed a liquid fry food formulated for egg laying fish. In a few days their diet can be switched over to newly hatched brine shrimp. Powdered eggs are an acceptable substitute. In a week or so they can be fed finely crushed tropical fish flakes.

Tank Size : 20 gallon minimum
Compatible Tank Mates : They can be very peaceful and should kept with similar sized tank mates. Avoid keeping them with larger fish capable of eating them.

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