The True Rummy-Nose Tetra gets its name from the red blushing across its nose and face. But its beautiful coloration does not end there. Hemigrammus bleheri has a mirror-like silver body and a jet-black tail striped with white. This color pattern adds a simple, yet striking beauty to any freshwater aquarium. The True Rummy-Nose Tetra is a peaceful omnivore that makes an excellent addition to community aquariums with non-aggressive tankmates.
The True Rummy-Nose Tetra gets its name from the red blushing across its nose and face. But its beautiful coloration does not end there. Hemigrammus bleheri has a mirror-like silver body and a jet-black tail striped with white. This color pattern adds a simple, yet striking beauty to any freshwater aquarium. The True Rummy-Nose Tetra is a peaceful omnivore that makes an excellent addition to community aquariums with non-aggressive tankmates.
Also known as the Banded Rummy-Nose Tetra, this fish native to South America thrives in well-planted systems. In addition to plants, decorate the aquarium with scattered rocks and driftwood to simulate its natural habitat.
The Rummy Nose Tetra is a popular choice for live plant keepers and Discus fish keepers. They are very peaceful and can make excellent community tank mates if housed with similar sized and non-aggressive species. The do best in schools of 6 or more and may stress if not provided with hiding places and plants (plastic or real). They have a red colored nose and it can be quite striking to see a school of them swimming around a tank.
The Rummy Nosed
Tetra can be sensitive to pH fluctuations so take more time during acclimation
and during water changes.
This is one of three species that can be easily mis-identified because they all look very similar. There is the True Rummy Nose (Hemigrammus bleheri), the Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus) and the False Rummy Nose (Petitella georgiae). The H. rhodostomus and P. georgiae grow to about 3 inches (8 cm) whereas the H. bleheri only reaches about 2 inches (5 cm). The H. bleheri will also have more red coloration on the head and appear skinnier than the other species.
This is one of three species that can be easily mis-identified because they all look very similar. There is the True Rummy Nose (Hemigrammus bleheri), the Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus) and the False Rummy Nose (Petitella georgiae). The H. rhodostomus and P. georgiae grow to about 3 inches (8 cm) whereas the H. bleheri only reaches about 2 inches (5 cm). The H. bleheri will also have more red coloration on the head and appear skinnier than the other species.
Other Informations
Scientific Name: Hemigrammus rhodostomus
Family: Characidae
Distribution: South America, particularly around the lower Amazon Basin and the Orinoco River
Temperament: Peaceful, community fish
Diet: Omnivorous
Lifespan: About 5 years, possibly longer
Adult Size: About 2"
Tank Size: 10+ gallons as they are active schooling fish
Temperature: 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Lower Amazon region, around Aripiranga and Paraguay.
General Body Form:
Torpedo shaped, elongate body.
Status: The species is not listed on the IUCN Red List.
Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom: These fish will swim in all areas of the aquarium.
Acceptable Water Conditions: Hardness: to 4? dGH
Ph: 6.0 to 7.0 (6.0 - 6.5 for breeding)
Temp: 73-79? F (22.8 - 26? C), 77-82? F for breeding.
Sexual Differences: The male is thinner, while the female is more compact with a larger stomach during spawning.
Breeding/Reproduction: The Rummy-nose tetra are egg layers. They are reportedly more difficult to breed than many other tetras. The water must be kept soft and acidic. They are listed as a "blackwater" fish. Peat filtration is suggested for breeding as well. They will spawn on the bottom of the aquarium or on pinnate leaves of plants. They may eat the eggs, which will hatch after 36 hours. The fry are free swimming after 4 days and are very small. The smallest foods possible like infusoria, is usually required.
Availability: The Rummy-nose tetra is readily available and reasonably priced.
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