วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Glowlight Tetra


    The Ornate Tetra, sometimes referred to as the Bentos Tetra or White Tip Tetra, is a deeper bodied fish with a body shape typical of some of the larger tetras such as the Bleeding Heart Tetra. Its coloration and appearance is very similar to its close relative, the Rosy Tetra, with the differences being quite subtle. Both of these fish have a pink to deep salmon body color, though the Ornate Tetra will often appear more transparent. Both species also have darker red markings on their fins. The Ornate Tetra will have a faint grayish 'shoulder patch' which is absent on the Rosy Tetra.

    These two tetras show subtle differences in their fin coloration. The Ornate Tetra will have white markings on their dorsal and pelvic fin extensions, thus the term 'white 'tip'. The Rosy Tetra will have a black marking or 'flag' on its dorsal fin extension, and will sometimes (but not always) have white tips to the fins. But to all rules there are exceptions, and even an occasional Ornate Tetra will have the black 'flag' type marking on its dorsal fin as well.

     A beautiful species that is very similar to a host of others in the genus, some of which are undescribed. The most frequently encountered of these in the trade is the rosy tetra, H. rosaceus . Hyphessobrycon bentosi may also be seen for sale as 'Bentos' tetra' or 'White-tipped tetra'.

    As with the closely related Hemigrammus, the taxonomic status of all species in the genus Hyphessobrycon is currently Incertae Sedis, meaning uncertain. The genus is currently used as something of a catch-all for over well over 100 species of small characin. Most experts agree that a full revision is required, with the likely outcome that many species will be placed into new or different genera. Hyphessobrycon bentosi is occasionally referred to by its synonym, H. robertsi.

 Species name: Hyphessobrycon bentosi

Synonym: Hyphessobrycon bentosi bentosi; Hyphessobrycon robertsi
Common name: Bentosi White Tip Tetra/ Bentos Tetra/ Ornate Tetra/ False Rosy Tetra

Family: Characidae

Order: Characin

Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

Maximum size: 5 cm / 2 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: South America/Amazon River Basin

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Hyphessobrycon bentosi (Bentosi White Tip Tetra ) are suitable for community aquariums

Water parameters: Temperature 24-28°C / 75-82°F; pH 6 – 7.5
Hardness : 2-10°H

Habitant : Primarily inhabits forested areas, in sluggish tributaries off the main river channels. The fish are often found among marginal vegetation or submerged tree roots.

Minimum Tank Size : small group would need a tank of around 24" x 15" x 12" (60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 70 litres in size.

Tank Setup :

    A biotope setup would be very simple to arrange. Use a substrate of river sand and add a few driftwood branches (if you can't find driftwood of the desired shape, common beech is safe to use if thoroughly dried and stripped of bark) and twisted roots. A few handfuls of dried leaves (again beech can be used, or oak leaves are also suitable) would complete the natural feel. Aquatic plants are not a feature of this species' natural waters. Allow the wood and leaves to stain the water the colour of weak tea, removing old leaves and replacing them every few weeks so they don't rot and foul the water. A small net bag filled with aquarium-safe peat can be added to the filter to aid in the simulation of black water conditions. Use fairly dim lighting.

    Alternatively, it's a popular and well-suited choice for the high maintenance, heavily planted tank.

Care and feeding:  
     Since they are omnivorous the Ornate Tetra should be given a nicely varied diet. They have fairly high vitamin requirements, so quality flake foods should make up about 60-80% of their diet. They love to chase after live foods and may occasionally nibble on plants or algae.   

     These fish are fairly hardy and a school of six will do best in about a 20 gallon aquarium. The aquarium should be heavily planted around the sides and back and have plenty of open water for swimming in the front. A few hiding places would be appreciated. Woodwork and floating plants will make them feel comfortable.

Water Region :
    Top, Middle, Bottom:    The Ornate Tetra will inhabit all areas of the aquarium, but usually will spend a good deal of their time in the upper or middle or regions.

Compatibility : 
    It's a very peaceful species that won't compete well with very boisterous or much larger tankmates. Ideally, keep it with other South American species, such as other Hyphessobrycon or Hemigrammus species, pencil fish, Apistogramma dwarf cichlids, Corydoras and small Loricariids. In a more general community, it can be combined with smaller rasboras, barbs, Anabantoids and West African dwarf cichlids such as Pelvicachromis species. Due to its shape it's safe to be kept with larger cichlids such as angel fish or discus as well.

    Always buy a group of at least 6 of these, preferably 10 or more. It's a shoaling species by nature, and will fare much better when in the company of its own kind. Like most tetras, it actually looks far more effective when maintained like this anyway. You'll also see some stunning displays of fin flaring by rival males if several are present.

Sexual Dimorphism :      Males develop extended dorsal and anal fins as they mature. They also tend to be larger, slimmer and a bit more colourful than females.

Breeding :
     Breeding the Ornate Tetra is a tricky but rewarding process. The pair should be isolated, ideally in a separate tank. The pair will distribute eggs on fine leaved plans. The parents should be removed right away. The fry will be free swimming after approximately five days. The tank's water should be changed frequently and care must be taken that no fry are lost in this process. The fry are fairly slow to reach maturity, and ought to be kept isolated until they are too large to be eaten.


 เครดิต : http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss294/fishtankforum_2009/hyphessobrycon_bentosi_.jpg

