วันพุธที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fish Data : Ruby Red Pencilfish


Descriptions :

    The Ruby Red Pencilfish, also known as the Red Arc Pencilfish, or the Peruvian Red Pencilfish, are bullet shaped and mostly red in color with a gold stripe across the top, and 2 black horizontal lines covering the entire length of the fish. They are a peaceful and colorful fish that will make a wonderful addition to any freshwater community aquarium.
    The Ruby Red Pencilfish can be housed in an aquarium with other peaceful soft water fish. It is best to keep these fish with fish that are not overly active. Live plants, rocks and driftwood help to enhance its natural habitat and provide hiding spaces. They are sensitive to high nitrate levels, so frequent water changes may be necessary.

Other Informations:
Difficulty: Easy
Breeding: Egg layers
Care: Easy
Gender: Females will be plumper
Length: 6cm
Strata: None in particular
Diet: Flakes, mini pellets, daphnia
Temp: 24 - 28 degrees
Tank size: minimum 20L

Compatibility: other tetras, loaches and species that will not grow larger than 15cm.
Care and feeding:    Since they are omnivorous they will generally eat all kinds of foods. The Red Arc Pencilfish is not a picky eater so they will eat most prepared fish foods including small pellets, freeze dried foods and most flakes foods. To keep them looking their best, brine shrimp (live or frozen) or frozen blood worms should be fed occasionally.
Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom: The Red Arc Pencilfish will swim in most parts of your aquarium.

Acceptable Water Conditions:    Red Arc Pencilfish like a well planted aquarium.
    Hardness: 2 - 10° dGH
    Ph: 5.8 to 7
    Temp: 72-82° F (22 – 28° C)

Social Behaviors:    The males of this species can be aggressive towards each other but usually little damage is done during their fights. If you plan on having more than 1 male in your tank, to be safe you should keep as many as you can afford to keep aggression to a minimum. Fortunately they aren't aggressive towards other species so the Red Arc Pencilfish are a good community fish.

Sexual Differences:    The males have an obvious white patch at the base of their dorsal fin.

Breeding/Reproduction:    This fish has been bred in captivity but not in commercial levels. If you want to attempt to breed the Red Arc Pencilfish, one successful breeder used a water temp of 78 F, with a pH of 6.6 and a total hardness of 20 ppm.

Availability:    This is a relatively rare species and the price can be quite high. It is hoped that in the near future someone will be able to breed them in commercial levels so the price will drop.

  They are sold as the Red Arc Pencilfish as well as under the name of Peruvian Red Pencilfish, Coral Red Pencilfish, and Ruby Red Pencilfish.


Credits : http://www.seriouslyfish.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/nannostomus-mortenthaleri-CK-5.jpg

