วันอังคารที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Fish Data : Large-Eyed Mouthbrooder Cichlid ( Callochromis Macrops )


   The Large-Eyed Mouthbrooder Callochromis Macrops (previouslyParatilapia macrops) is a very beautiful  cichlid. They has the most distinctive large colorful eyes and that is the one thing that you shouldbe love it . Their body have many beautifully colored, but the coloring is quite variable depending on where its there come from.Their color can range in color tones from beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows to bright blues, lavenders, and browns.

   These fish is moderately sized cichlid from Lake Tanganyika, Africa. the males can reach just over 5 inches (13.5 cm) in length, with females a bit smaller. It is often simply referred to by its scientific name Callochromis Macrops. But other common names used for it include Large-Eyed Mouthbrooder, Big Eye Mouthbrooder, Southern Large-Eyed Muzzle Cichlid, and Southern Bigeye-Mouthbrooder. etc.

    Each location in the lake has a different color variation, so these cichlids are also named for regions of the Lake where they are found. Some of these that are occasionally seen include Callochromis Macrops "Ndole Bay" or "Ndole Bay Red", Callochromis Macrops "Moliro" or "Red", Callochromis Macrops "Kasanga", and others such as "Tanzania", "Isanga", "Kafungi", "Kantalamba", "Katoto", and "Namansi".

    These fish is popular because of its compact size and color, this cichlid is also easy to moderate to care for as long as regular water changes are done. Provide them with a sandy or fine gravel substrate along with lots of rock formations and plants. This fish will breed in captivity, and the plants will provide cover for the the females and newly hatch fry.

    This is a very beautiful sand dwelling cichlid, but it is also more aggressive. It can be kept with featherfins and other sand cichlid species, but will not get along well with conspecifics. It should be kept singly or in groups in a larger aquarium. They are actually only mildly aggressive to other fish that do not have a similar size or shape.

     It is much easier to tell the difference between male and female with this species than it is with other Lake Tanganyikan cichlids. The females are typically smaller and silver, making it easier to obtain a balanced group of one male and several females. Males of the "red" variety are very nicely marked adding a nice contrasting color to the tank. Tank raised males seem less aggressive toward females. Do not house more than one male. It is important to keep conspecific varieties and similar species separate as they will hybridize freely.

  Tank Setup :  The Tank 48″ x 18″ x 18″ (120cm x 45cm x 45cm) – 240 litres in size could house a small group of these, consisting of a male and a harem of three or more females. A much bigger tank would be needed if you want to keep several males together.

  Temperature  23-27 degrees celsius

  • pH Level:7.8-9.0
  • General Hardness:Hard
Range: Africa: Lake Tanganyika
Feeding: These fish are Carnivorous can eat many type of foods
Reproduction: These fish are mouthbrooder, The males construct a sand crater and try to attract passing females.The female may carry the brood of 25-60 eggs for up to 3 weeks before releasing the free swimming fry. She will not eat during this period and can be easily spotted by her distended mouth. If a female is overly stressed she may spit out the brood prematurely or eat them, so care must be taken if you decide to move the fish in order to avoid fry predation. It is also worth noting that if a female is away from the colony for too long she may lose her position in the pecking order of the group. It’s best to wait as long as possible before moving a female unless she is being harassed.

The fry may still have some yolk sac remaining when they are released and do not need to be fed until this has disappeared. If they are released with no yolk sacs you can start to feed immediately. They are large enough to take baby brine shrimp from birth.


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