วันพุธที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

My Selling E-Books : Red Bee Shrimp Feeding Guide for Beginners

   This article is about feeding one of Dwarf Shrimp which is famous in many countries and having lots of sensitive feeding; Red Bee Dwarf Shrimp. In this article would saying about Red Bee Shrimp’s origin and possibilities, basically feeding, necessary equipments of feeding, types, and some techniques of feeding this shrimp. 

      This is a sample of this article : 

    In the past, maybe there was no one thought about tiny freshwater shrimps; Dwarf Shrimps, could be lived-art and expensive than anyone could think about. Although in the present time, if saying about it with non-interested people or not-knowing about feeding Dwarf Shrimps people, perhaps they would not know about a type of shrimp which is developed by infatuated feeders could extremely costly at this time, and also could be in the future.

       The Red Bee Shrimp is originated by skill, creativity, and tolerance of Mr.Hisayasu Suzuki who had been tried to use original shrimp; Caridina Serrata, which is mostly found in South China’s canals. Appearance of these shrimp is short trunk with dark brown, black, and black glossy blue. Color is faded white and clear internodes at end-head, rostrum, middle trunk and some at tail tip. Mr.Hisayasu bred these dwarf shrimps with inbreed method which thousands of shrimp were used. More than 6 years of spending found Bee Shrimp which is red trunk variegates clear internodes; caused name of Crystal Red Shrimp. The Dwarf Shrimps are prototype of species development for few years. After that outer skinned while shrimps are created with widely white until all white. Standardized grading shrimp depends on white density on outer skin, redness of red segment, and also different colors of blue, dark blue, glossy dark brown or black. Nowadays Dwarf Red Bee Shrimp has various developing species and cost since few dollars to hundreds. However, property does not only one factor of feeding Red Bee Shrimp, because they are very insubstantial from developing species. All makes Red Bee Shrimp is not proper for any chemicals and have to living in quality water with high oxygen. Red Bee Shrimp likes lower acid water; between pH 6.2 – 7.2, and KH or hardness is 3-6 with stability on periods of day. Moreover, feeders should have these fundaments for feeding successful Red Bee Shrimp.    

