วันเสาร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2562

Fish Data : Peacock Cichlid or Butterfly Peacock Bass, Peacock Bass, Eye Spot Cichlid

    The Peacock Cichlid Cichla ocellaris is an eye catching show fish for a very large aquarium. Its shape and large size cause many observers to mistake it for a type of bass fish, but it is in fact just a very large and colorful cichlid fish. It presents an olive-green body color which transitions into a yellow-white belly and is marked on the body and back by black blotches and stripes. But it's the distinctive ocellus or 'eye spot' seen on the tail fin that commands the most attention and that gives this fish its name. Reminding the observer of the distinctive tail feather of the male peacock, this tail fin has garnered the fish such common names as Peacock Cichlid, Butterfly Peacock Bass, Peacock Bass, and Eye Spot Cichlid.

    To be clear, this fish is not for everyone! It grows to a significant size of around 30" (2.5 feet or 74 cm) and will require a massive aquarium for optimal health. That being said, this fish is likely a perfect choice for those who want one of the most dramatic cichlids in the hobby. Just like cichlids of smaller sizes, Peacock Cichlids are known for their striking intelligence and ability to attach to their owners, and when they see you come into a room they recognize you. They will beg for food, splash at you for attention, and sprint around their tank to catch your eye. This cichlid is sort of like owning a small dolphin!

    These cichlid are moderately difficult to care for as they need to be housed in a very large aquarium, a minimum of 70 gallons. They appreciate a bottom of sand or gravel with some rocks and wood for cover along with some flat stones for spawning. They don't bother live plants, so these can be provided around the inside parameter of the tank while leaving plenty of open space for swimming. Peacock Cichlids are quite adaptable and don't require any special water chemistry, though they are sensitive to ammonia and nitrites and will need regular water changes.

      Because of their size, only juvenile specimens of the Peacock Cichlid are really suitable for the aquarium. They are also territorial and voracious predators, eating anything that fits in their mouth. In the wild they are rapid swimmers but in the aquarium they are more sedate, often lying motionless waiting for prey. Because of their size and temperament they do best in a species tank or with other large South American cichlids.

      Interestingly, the Peacock Cichlid is primarily known as a gaming fish. For this purpose they were legally introduced into modified canals and lakes in southern Florida, United States. One positive effect of their introduction has been an increase of both the Largemouth Bass and Redear Sunfish, which are also desirable gaming fish.

Because of their inability to tolerate cold temperatures they are confined to the southern part of those canals. They are unable to expand their range, so the fauna of the Florida Everglades has not been altered to the point of being at risk. However they were also introduced into Lake Gutan in Panama which produced significantly undesirable results, drastically changing the composition of fish populations in that canal. Do not release this or any other fish into a non-native environment as the consequences can be devastating.

Foods and Feeding

     This cichlid  is carnivorous piscivore in the wild that feeds on other smaller fish. They are a pronounced predator and unless captive bred, will heavily prefer live fish as food. Once tamed they may slowly be trained to eat cut fish, other meaty foods, and many prepared and frozen foods.

     They get quite large so ideally they should be fed a high quality pelleted food and large chunk foods such as cut up fish, crayfish, and earthworms. They may also accept such foods as bloodworms, tubifex, and ocean plankton. Feeding in smaller amounts several times a day instead of a large quantity once a day will help keep the water quality higher over a longer time. All fish benefit from vitamins and supplements added to their foods.

    It was at one time common place to feed cichlids meat from mammals such as beaf heart, red meat and chicken. These foods contain fats that the fish cannot metabolise which accumulate inside the digestive tract and cause blockages organ degeneration. Thus it is recommended to only feed these types of foods as an occasional treat, rather than as a staple.

Aquarium Setup

    Peacock Cichlid need a lot of room, a minimum of 70 gallons for a juvenile, though over 100 gallons is preferable. Adults will require at least 240 gallons with larger being better. They do fine with moderate water movement and strong efficient filtration. They appreciate a bottom of sand or gravel with some rocks and wood for cover along with some flat stones for spawning. They don't bother plants, so these can be provided around the inside parameter of the tank leaving plenty of open space for swimming.

    These cichlid require large open areas to swim freely, so the decor should be fairly sparse. A sump style filter and protected inlet/ oulets are a good choice. Make sure to keep other tank equipment like heaters protected as well. These large fish can easily do damage to fragile equipment, so be sure to protect your equipment as much as possible by hiding it behind rocks or other decorations.

Sex: Sexual differences

    An older mature male will have a nuchal hump on the forehead, but otherwise the sexes are only discernable during spawning.

Breeding / Reproduction

    These fish has been bred in captivity and is raised in ponds as a food fish. They are what is known as a biparental substrate spawner. Being so very large, there are no reports yet on successful tank breeding, but they will spawn in an outdoor pond.

     Peacock cichlid can lay more than 2000-3000 eggs, with larger spawners laying between 9,000 to 15,000. They lay the eggs on a large flat stone in shallow water and the parents will adamantly guard them in the typical cichlid fashion. They are highly territorial and aggressive when guarding their eggs and fry . The fry will hatch in 78 hours at 82° F (28° C). When they are ready to move on, they enter into open waters. The fry love mosquito larvae (blood worms) and will mature in less than 12 months. See more about cichlid breeding in: Breeding Freshwater Fish: Cichlids.

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